1. I'm thinking that there may be a way to get the hardwood AND give to the poor. It just may mean a bit of saving up and waiting for the hardwood. In the meantime, professional carpet cleaning?

    House cleaning stinks. I would love, love, love a housekeeper. Had one for a brief time, though, and actually mostly found myself frustrated. So yeah.

    Yay on the writing gig! Yay, yay, yay! 🙂

    New with me? Now THAT would be the definition of irrelevant. 😉

  2. Oh I've missed you, Sandy. Love this post! Love your writing! Love YOU! (Especially the "I would KILL Jon if he did that to me" line!)

    Me? I'm speaking at a women's retreat tomorrow. Battling the I-don't-want-to-do-this thing right now. Otherwise, everything is good. Busy. Fulfilling. Wonderful. Good.

  3. Haven't had much blog reading time lately, but just got a moment and LOVED reading this post.

    Saturday we are signing a 1 year lease on a vintage type apartment in Chicago . . . with hard wood floors. Not new ones, but I love them and a cool built in hutch. Yeah.( Our condo deal fell through.)

    Hope to be all settled by Thanksgiving and will catch up more then.


    PS. I know it is weird, but I love housecleaning.

  4. I laughed all the way through this post. Too funny.

    I'll vote for hardwood floors too. I would sooo love to have them. We're thinking about getting those "fake" laminated vinyl wood floors.

  5. Hi Sandy, my goodness, what a funny story about sticking your kids in the car to watch a movie! I've moved once with two small children and would NOT sign up to do it again anytime soon!

    Wanted to say that I just started reading through the entire bible as well!!! I'm using the chronological reading plan from the One Year Bible website…but feel the same was as you do and I'm only 5 days deep! There is some CRAZY stuff…like Noah getting drunk and being found by his sons naked in his vineyard?! (just blogged about that this morning!) I'm loving the reading and what I"m learning, but wish I had an expert nearby to explain some of these shenanigans to me!

    Good luck! LOoking forward to hearing more about your reading!

  6. I really hope you get the hardwood floors. I hear you with the white carpet. I have hardwood (well, laminate wood, anyway) downstairs and I am SO ready to put it upstairs, too.

    I am also reading the OT and it's a bit hard to get jazzed about it right now. I've read through Jeremiah and am now in Ezekiel. So, let's see. God told him to tie himself up for 390 days. Then, this morning, God told him that he was going to take Ez's most treasured possession (his wife) to prove a point to Israel. Honestly, I'm glad I know how this whole Bible ends because if I wasn't a believer and didn't know Jesus, well…
    So glad I'm reading the NT and Psalms as well. Oh and proverbs regularly makes me laugh. Today was the one about not being too cheery in the morning, lest you irritate your neighbor. Ha!

  7. Sandy…your post was hilarious! Honestly the best laugh I have had in a long time!

    I would love for my son to read what you've written about Lot. My son says he's an atheist!!

    Good luck with your hardwood floors…hmmm and kitchen upgrade! (yeah go for it!)


  8. Haha, strapped the kids in the car so you could clean, love it! Great post, I love random.

    I love the Bible and have read it 3 times through. When you make it through the deception, incest and murder you see the ultimate love story ever! To think we are the bride of the King and He is madly in love with us, gives me shivers.

    God Bless,

  9. Sandy,

    Solution to your wants:
    1) hire a student or recent grad looking for money to clean your house… you'll be doing two people a favor (you included)

    2) go to your local fire station… those guys all do side jobs – installing hardwood floors may be someone's calling. These guys are the nicest and really do have a first job second to fire fighting.

    As for my weekend… this 53 yr old is taking her first mission trip. Leaving for the Philippines tomorrow morning!

    Thanks for your post.

  10. How funny! You've given me an idea about the cleaning service, though. Not because I'm moving, but because I'm LAZY! And I'm a contributor at BD too! 🙂 Education. And I'm way behind on that just like I am on blogging and blog reading…you've nudged me! Now I have to think of an article to write this month!

  11. Posts like this put a smile on my face:) (And on my typing, I guess:)

    Prayers of intercession going up for your new hardwood floors. We got them 3 years ago after walking around on gross carpet that was getting so thin our joke was that soon we would walking on the sub-floor…and it might have been more comfortable.

    Yes, house cleaning is NEVER done and takes so much time…..there's isn't anything really clever to add to this point 🙁

    But I do think it burns ALOT of calories….I seriously work up a sweat at least once a day while vacuuming or floor scrubbing or running up and down stairs putting things away.

    We used to go out for ice cream when our house was up for sale and being shown. Thankfully (this was years ago) it sold in less than a month….my waistline is thankful.

    I'm reading thru the Bible and am currently reading Job. I know how it ends and love how honest the man was about his lamenting, but I have to admit it's a bit of a downer to start the day with. I usually flip over to the NT to find something a little more encouraging to start the day with. I remember VIVIDLY reading about the fat stabbing not too long ago…and was a little grossed out.

    I think you should do a Friday catch-up more often…this is such fun!

  12. I am ok… Still unemployed and had a mild breakdown last Wednesday coz i thought "O gosh i am never gona have my dream wedding, children, move outa my mom's house. My dreams are D.E.A.D!"
    But I'm trying hard to stay positive now.
    I am learning to draw. Very nice and enjoying it. I am learning how to drive my scooter. VERY nice and really ENJOYING that!!
    Gideon and i are ok. He's very supportive and encourages me to be positive and always makes me smile.
    My dog is still my baby angel lol, my rabbit on the other hand has bitten a wound under her chin so due to my freaking out and throwing a toilet roll at her to chew on instead of her chin, G is taking care of the wound lol.
    I'm going to be helping my mama out with interviews for a driver position by her work. She needs my counselling analysis lol so I'm excited for that too!!
    That's all i can think of really. Yeah

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