1. My question is, was the rest of your family supportive of you adopting? I know my family would take a long time to warm to such an idea (if the ever would)

  2. Wow. What a coincidence this is your new topic. I have a email to you in my drafts folder that has been sitting there for weeks in regards to my many questions of adoption.

    I have so many questions on this, but my main question is, how/when did you start telling your adopted children that they were adopted? My daughter is almost 2 and I want to be very open with her about her being adopted, but I really have no idea where to start.

    More questions to come, I promise 🙂

  3. Sandy,
    Just a little info about me that you may not know…I work for an adoption agency. We are a church based, non-profit agency and have been around since the 1960's.

    My sister's three children all came in to our family via adoption. The two older ones have always known that they are adopted and my niece has decided that all her children will be adopted! The third child has severe needs due to his birth mother using meth. He has no idea.

  4. Angie: I am definitely covering your question. It's an important one. 🙂 And I love your sweet girl…as you know.

    Lori: As I said in your e-mail…now I love you even more! I have a feeling you will be playing a part in these "100 children" I talked about in the post.

  5. #1 – Would you please stop picking on me with all your posts?! I'm getting a little weary of being made so darn uncomfortable.
    #2 – I didn't realize Elijah was adopted, too. I only knew about Elliana.
    #3 – Adoption/fostering is a heart-tug issue for me, for sure. But it seems that my man and I are never quite on the same page. So I'm waiting on God to work that out.
    #4 – Yes, indeed! I am ready for another series! 🙂

  6. Sandy, your post reminded me of something I wanted to tell you. There is a new book out about adoption called "Love You More." It's by a neighbor/acquaintance/friend from here, Jennifer Grant Funck, who adopted a daughter from Guatamala (I think). Anyway, I haven't read it yet, but others have told me it's great. Thought you might be interested.

  7. My husband and I do not have any children. We talk about adopting all the time and we would love to do it. We would do it tomorrow…if it wasn't for the financial expense. I can't wait to hear about the entire process, from beginning to end; how long it takes, the legalities, etc.
    I cannot wait to hear your story and get as much information as I can. Thank you for doing this series!

  8. I can't wait to read your posts, Sandy. We've been dealing with the country of Armenia for 3 years now, and seems like we are getting nowhere. Trying not to get discouraged, so we are also considering domestic, & adopting an older child in foster care. I know God will direct your words, and I am looking forward to hearing from you, and from God!

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