Happy One-Year Birthday, My Dear Little Blog!!!
Well, actually, the real birthday was March 8th. But that was the day I posted all the heavy stuff about death and depression…Who wants to talk about that on your birthday??? So I didn’t think anyone would mind if I postponed the party until today.
I asked my blog what she wanted for her birthday, and she said she wanted to give something to you! She’s so generous that way.
I was thinking about all the things I’ve learned in this year of blogging. Some of it I found out by trial and error. Some of it I read elsewhere. But all of it I wish I would have known from the beginning.
So in honor of my blog (who is officially a toddler now…they grow up so fast, don’t they, honey?), I’ll share five bits of bloggy goodness I’ve picked up in the 12 months.
1. Keep it concise. My first few posts were short and snappy. But a few months into it, my posts became more like sermons. I had a lot to say, and I wanted to say it all in one day, by golly! Nothing wrong with sermons. Sermons are nice. But sermons are LONG! Then I realized when I was out visiting other blogs, I personally didn’t like reading sermons. If I saw a post was too long, I didn’t even bother. Or I stopped half way through and moved on. (Insert light bulb moment here).
2. News Flash: My non-blogging friends generally don’t want to read my blog. Even people who really, really like me as a person. Even people who like my writing. No matter how many times I invite them, they really don’t want to hang out on Blog Land, and I’m finally OK with that. There are a few exceptions, but for the most part, I’ve learned I can’t convert the UnBlogged to Bloggianity.
3. A lot of the fancy stuff isn’t really worth it. Like fonts. I put a fancy font on my blog once. Almost lost my entire blog trying to mess with the HTML. It was terrible. Anyway, I learned right after putting in the fancy font that a lot of computers can’t even “see” it. They still see “Times New Roman” or something equally plain. Then one of my dear bloggy friends informed me that the font “hurt her eyes.” (insert light bulb moment here). Since I’m blogging so that people will actually read my stuff, I thought it may be wise not to burn out their eye balls in the process.
4. Learning some of the basics is very much worth it. Things like embedding a You Tube video. Or adding a link to my post. Or creating a button for my blog that others can grab. It takes some time, but all these things make it so much easier and more interesting for the reader.
5. Bigger isn’t always better. OK, I admit my blog isn’t all that big. It’s still pretty small in terms of readers and subscribers. But I realized recently that with the size it is right now, I have time to personally connect with every person who leaves a comment or sends me an e-mail. I’ve actually had time to meet some of these people in person and we’ve become great friends! But again, while out visiting other really large blogs, I’ve seen some notations by the authors like, “Due to the sheer volume of comments I receive, I cannot possibly respond to you. So sorry.” I totally get that, and maybe the day will come when I will need to post the same thing. But I’m happy to say that right now, that’s not true for me. And I dig that. I love getting to know you.
Well, I’m off to stick my blog in the high chair watch it get birthday cake all over it’s cute little God Speaks Today face.
Congratulations dear friend!
I understand all of your points particularly the first two. We all have something to share or we would not be blogging but when the blog goes on for 10 minutes it’s difficult to stay and read it all.
#2 took me some time to wrap my head around because as a Servant-Leader there are many who the Lord has permitted me to minister to in person but also through our Website and when I began blogging I was so surprised that many of those same people do not want to have anything to do with reading the blogs BUT they still email me and read anything I send out via the Website. It’s just preference I suppose so I had to say, Ok Lisa, just reach everyone in the avenues God has supplied and each one will come according to their need as you point them toward JESUS who is the One who meets the need.
Bless you dear friend.
Happy Birthday! Congratulations!
I’m so glad I found this blog – I’ve been so blessed by it 🙂
Here’s to many more years of insightful thoughts and writing,
Kate 🙂
I am SO glad that I was introduced to you and your blog. I look forward to every new post. You’re an amazing writer, and I’ve come to feel that I know you personally even though we have never met face to face. You have been given a gift from God and you’re using it SO well! Thank you, thank you , thank you for your blog!
Congratulations on your first bloggerversary! I love your blog and your writing. But you are so right. I used to feel bad because my nonblogging friends only checked my blog once in a while. But I’m getting to understand some. And yes, short is better. I know sometimes I don’t read a post because I don’t have time and I love to follow many different blogs. But sometimes a post is well worth it and so I do sit and read. And speaking of that, I haven’t read your last post YET but I will. I want to read your story, especially since I’m getting to know you better. I’ve actually been praying for you so I want to know what you’re writing.
Happy Birthday …you’re growing up!
Happy Birthday to you, dear little blog….and many more!
Thank you for sharing from your heart all of the inspiring words you have written…
Yay for your blog! 🙂
Thanks my new friend. Look forward to reading more!
Happy birthday little blog. Mine is right on your heels — on Tuesday!
Ha, I had to laugh when you said people who don’t blog really don’t want to read your blog. So true! I’ve given my url to my friends several times. lol Ok, so I get the hint!
Take care!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BLOG! I love you and can’t wait to see what you grow up to be!
Happy birthday, dear little blog! I’m so glad I know you!
You’re a NUT…CONGRATS! Happy Birthday blog!
I am new to blogging, and I SO appreciate your words of wisdom. It is quite overwhelming in the beginning. I love what you said about being smaller…when we start out we wonder will anyone stop by, will anyone read this. Then God leaves you a sweet message through one of His chilren that says He used you today!! What a blessing. Well, Sandy, please know, He used you today. :0)
Thank you for these great words of encouragement!!
Congratulations Sandy! Looks like we got some great ideas( or rather no idea what I was getting myself into) round about the same time. My website just turned One, and I’m such a proud Mama. However, I’m still getting the hang of the blogging thing and I’m learning tons from you. Thanks girl!
Happy Birthday my friend. Keep up the good work!
Paula G.
Happy birthday, Sandyblog! I am so glad I got to meet you this year and hope to meet up again one day. You are a sweetheart.
I totally get the my-friend-don’t-read-my-blog thing. That is so hurtful to me, but I’m trying . . . TRYING . . . to get over it. 🙁
Happy Birthday!!! Only one year?!? I can totally get caught up on that in my “spare” time. :0
Dear George:
I just want you to know I deleted your comment. It’s not that it was a mean comment, but honestly, I didn’t really understand it. And since I didn’t understand it, I didn’t want it to confuse my readers who are here to truly seek God and learn to hear His voice.
If you want to e-mail me directly, feel free. Or leave your e-mail address somewhere so I can e-mail you.