I have absolutely nothing to say and a hundred things to tell you, all at the same time.With an intro like that, why would you EVER cancel your subscription to my blog? Seriously.
First off, my e-mail got hacked last week. Apparently, I (or the hackers) sent out the following e-mail entitled
“Hey! I finally found this opportunity!”
It read:
hi there!
I refused to continue depending on other people this was my ticket to a free ride now I vacation four times a year you would excell at this
(insert link to something about becoming a music critic, though I wasn’t so stupid to click on the spammy link)
Those who know me well recognize this e-mail could NOT be from me because 1. I do not vacation 4 times a year and 2. My run-on sentences are always longer than that.
This happened just as I was about to go to bed at around 10:30 pm. So, instead of going to bed, I was forced to go into all my accounts and change all my passwords–which took for-stinking-EVER because the hackers were in there hacking away and making my computer S L O W.
The good news is, the hacking has ceased. The bad news is
1. I didn’t get to bed until after 1 am (I get up at 5:30). I don’t do well on 4.5 hours sleep. 2. Since I changed my passwords, I can no longer access Microsoft Outlook. 3. Since I changed my passwords, I can no longer receive e-mails on my very expensive HTC Inspire. 4. I now want to become a music critic so I can vacation 4 times a year.
I’ve already spent hours on my computer trying to figure out the solutions to these things. I really need to hire a techy-type dude to come to my house and fix all my gadgets. If that is you, please inquire. I also need someone to repair a light fixture in my basement and babysit next Friday. Thank you.
This year, Jon and I celebrated 18 years of marriage–16 years of happy marriage. (Two of those years were terrible–but we made it, and I’m thankful. And so is Jon). For the last several of those happy years, we have taken an annual trip away from the kids–which I promise you, has everything to do with the fact that the last several years have been among the “happy” and not the “terrible.”
This year, we headed to Indianapolis–a very cool city, if you ever get the chance to go. Here is the only picture of us together from that weekend, compliments of one of the many outstanding restaurants we went to while we were there. And honey, I’m not exaggerating one bit when I tell you I had some of the best food I have ever had in my life in Indianapolis. And I’m somewhat of a food snob. So that’s sayin’ somethin’.
My brother, Gary and his wife, Monica, came to visit us a few weeks ago. This is significant because in the 15 years since I moved away from my hometown, Monica has NEVER been to my house. Gary? Only once, back in 1997. It is also significant because Gary and Monica are 2 of my all-time favorite people in the world. We, seriously, could talk all day. And we did. For about 10 hours straight.
Gary was very instrumental in leading me to a deep relationship with the Lord in high school. And both Gary and Monica helped disciple me as a young Christian. They are smart and witty and love Jesus and eat organic food…my kind of people.
A little family trivia: I am one of 7 children–Gary is number 2 and I am number 7.
And please excuse the squinty eyes and harsh facial shadows on this picture–it was very sunny that day.
Another piece of family trivia: Gary and Monica’s three boys (men!) who are insanely talented musicians, just released an album! Here is the video of the first single “Beautiful Universe.”
That’s Nathan in lead vocals/guitar, Joel on drums and Daniel on keys.
I have no idea who that other dude is.
(If you receive this by e-mail, you will need to click over to the blog to view this you tube video)
We took our kids to the pumpkin patch/apple orchard this past weekend. We only do this once a year, which is a shame, because it’s so fun. When we got there, I had one of those “mom moments” where I was painfully aware of how quickly time is passing with my kids. I could hardly believe it had been a full year since our last visit–it seems like it was just a few weeks ago.
We chose a bunch of funky gourds for a centerpiece. (just in time to put out my Christmas decorations)
And in the event I ever start my own garage band, “The Funky Gourds” would be a great name.
This is one girl who is very content to be held by her Daddy…
We picked our own apples. Yesterday, I made some homemade apple sauce…
We fed the animals genetically modified corn.
I know, and it’s not even Fitness Friday.
Sorry…it is no picnic living in my brain, trust me.
The whole time I was with this sweet calf, I told her that God made her to eat grass, not corn.
Anyway, here is my daughter, who prefers animals to humans. Especially when her mother goes off on public rants about corn-fed cattle.
These girls take my breath away.
And then we carved the pumpkins we bought from the pumpkin patch and set them out for trick or treaters on Halloween. Am I allowed to say Halloween here?
I know this is a controversial topic among Christians. I get that. But as my very wise pastor used to say regarding controversial topics, “Let’s not allow this to divide us.”
Yes, my kids dress up for Halloween and trick or treat in our neighborhood. And this year, we were the most awesomest house in the whole area, because we handed out FULL SIZED CANDY BARS!
You would have thought we were handing out $100 bills, what with all the “oooo’s and ahhhhhh’s”.
Never mind that you can get a full-sized Reeces at any grocery store check out.
Is it feaking you out that it says “God Speaks Today” on the very same picture with a carved pumpkin? Did you know there is genetically modified soy in a Recees Peanut Butter Cup? And in a Hershey’s chocolate bar? If you had a garage band, what would the name be?
See? I told you, absolutely nothing and a hundred things, all at the same time.
Just a few things….. 1. I LOVE The Capital Grille!! One of my favorite places. We have two locations here in Phoenix. Congrats on 18 years! 2. I just want to say that your beautiful mini-me has really grown up! Where has time gone? 3. What a great video from the boys, such great talent!! 4. Can you tell me what kind of camera you have? …..and last but not least, Thanks for opening my eyes on soy.
1. i love your yellow coat
2. it blows my mind how much Rebekah looks like you.
Just a few things…..
1. I LOVE The Capital Grille!! One of my favorite places. We have two locations here in Phoenix. Congrats on 18 years!
2. I just want to say that your beautiful mini-me has really grown up! Where has time gone?
3. What a great video from the boys, such great talent!!
4. Can you tell me what kind of camera you have?
…..and last but not least,
Thanks for opening my eyes on soy.