1. I love balsamic vinegar salad dressing. I never use olive oil, though, as I find it too strong. I tend to go for something neutral like sunflower oil and for extra special dressing I go for walnut oil. A French colleague of my husband gave us the walnut oil tip. I’ve never come across golden balsamic vinegar. If I do I will give it a try 🙂

      1. And that’s the great thing about making your own dressing – you can customise it exactly to your own taste. In fact I think I’m going to add panzanella to this week’s menu. You have inspired me lol!

  2. Oh my goodness! You don’t even know how excited I am to try this! I have a serious love affair with Balsamic Vinaigrette! Just ask my husband – he gets jealous of it sometimes! And some Balsamics are yummier than others and I’ve always wanted to find one as yummy as some I’ve had in different restaurants. Yay! Thanks!

    1. Hi Erin!

      You can store it as long as you’d store the ingredients in it. In this recipe, the only ingredient that requires refrigeration is the dijon mustard. If you use fresh herbs, it would shorten the time more. I usually keep it for a week or two and find that it tastes best when it’s fresh, immediately after I make it. Hope that helps. 🙂

  3. Lovely website! І am loving it!! Will be back lɑter
    tо reaԀ sօmе more. I am bookmarking yoᥙr feeds alѕo

  4. Really really good! Just so perfect!
    I don’t use honey, I prefer real maple syrup, but I add only 1/2 table spoon! Amazing thanks a lot

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