1. Thanks for reposting this, Sandy. I did miss it first time around.

    It is one of my many favorite things about God . . . that He chooses to use us. He could use anything . . . I like to say "He could use a curtain, if He wanted to." But He chooses to use us and as you said so well, He changes us in the process. What a mighty and creative God we serve.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.


  2. Yes, how true! "Getting me in over my head was all part of His plan. Leading me to a place where I felt ill-equipped and inexperienced forced me to lean on the only One who could help."

    I'm a do-everything-myself kind of girl. Several times I have thought this very thing about differnt situations God has placed me (I never expressed it this well though!). He forces us to choose Him to lead us through.

  3. Lisa…love you back.

    Glenda…I miss you, friend! I hope you are enjoying the holiday season in your new home.

    Amy…I am a do-everything-myself kind of girl, too. And I don't like people making me do stuff I CAN'T do by myself. *sigh* I sure do have a long way to go to maturity!

  4. First, I am the preschool/nursery director at my church! Crazy.

    Second, my grandmother lived in Jacksonville and a lot of my extended still lives there.

    Third, I so get you. Sometimes I think with this writing thing, I am in over my head.

    Fourth, I've been meaning to email you and never do, but if you would have be be a guest post on Fitness Girl, I would love to write about food addiction. Just let me know.

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