1. I actually love to exercise, I love the feeling I get when I am done and then I have more control over what I eat throughout the day. Do you recommend exercise every day though, 7 days a week?

  2. I actually love to exercise, I love the feeling I get when I am done and then I have more control over what I eat throughout the day. Do you recommend exercise every day though, 7 days a week?

  3. Lisa:

    That is a great question, and you know I e-mailed you a personal response. But for the benefit of the rest of the audience, I added a little somethin-somethin to the post to address this. Thanks, because that is a great question!

    You ARE freakishly powerful. I'm a little scared of you. Just kidding. Yes, I would say moving furniture qualifies. When we moved from FL to KY, I lost 5 pounds from all the moving and unpacking (and having two flights of stairs for the first time in 8 yrs.)


  4. Lisa:

    That is a great question, and you know I e-mailed you a personal response. But for the benefit of the rest of the audience, I added a little somethin-somethin to the post to address this. Thanks, because that is a great question!

    You ARE freakishly powerful. I'm a little scared of you. Just kidding. Yes, I would say moving furniture qualifies. When we moved from FL to KY, I lost 5 pounds from all the moving and unpacking (and having two flights of stairs for the first time in 8 yrs.)


  5. Another great Fitness Friday post Sandy! Establishing a new habit takes time. After all, the old one has been ingrained in our lives for so long. I used to tell patients that you wouldn't think of leaving your house without brushing your teeth, right? Well, don't leave your house for the day without doing some exercise. The only thing I'd add for help in making new choices and keeping them is …to PRAY and ask the Lord to help you. And I know you'll give an AMEN to that!

  6. Another great Fitness Friday post Sandy! Establishing a new habit takes time. After all, the old one has been ingrained in our lives for so long. I used to tell patients that you wouldn't think of leaving your house without brushing your teeth, right? Well, don't leave your house for the day without doing some exercise. The only thing I'd add for help in making new choices and keeping them is …to PRAY and ask the Lord to help you. And I know you'll give an AMEN to that!

  7. I love this whole idea of having a "new normal"! I'm seriously taking that to heart. So powerful.

    I hope everyone is feeling better in your house!

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Kate 🙂

  8. I love this whole idea of having a "new normal"! I'm seriously taking that to heart. So powerful.

    I hope everyone is feeling better in your house!

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Kate 🙂

  9. Awesome post today. I am interested in getting Gary Smalley's book now. He's a funny guy too. That always helps.
    I think the mental side can be one of those things that we know is weighing us down..we just choose not to address it. Everything we do is a choice..and the result is based on our choices..good or poor.
    I did not get a chance to experiment in the kitchen this week. But there is a salmon and salsa recipe on my blog if you want to link it.. go under fish label and it should be there…ifyou are interested.

  10. Awesome post today. I am interested in getting Gary Smalley's book now. He's a funny guy too. That always helps.
    I think the mental side can be one of those things that we know is weighing us down..we just choose not to address it. Everything we do is a choice..and the result is based on our choices..good or poor.
    I did not get a chance to experiment in the kitchen this week. But there is a salmon and salsa recipe on my blog if you want to link it.. go under fish label and it should be there…ifyou are interested.

  11. Thank you so much for this post, Sandy! I feel like knowing "how" to make the changes to my lifestyle is what I've been missing. This is so helpful! Thanks for giving up some of your sleep for this! I know what a sacrifice that is because I love my sleep too!

  12. Thank you so much for this post, Sandy! I feel like knowing "how" to make the changes to my lifestyle is what I've been missing. This is so helpful! Thanks for giving up some of your sleep for this! I know what a sacrifice that is because I love my sleep too!

  13. Just left you a comment on an old post…about the year of yes and want to make sure you get it or it's emailed to you or something. seriously. separated at birth. love you!

    I love to exercise…was a group instructor for years. These days I have to seek God first, meet my family's needs and there's not so much left for exercise so I try to throw the football with my son, run around the cul-de-sac with the kids, kick the soccer ball with my daughter, hit softballs, etc. Not as hard core as an hour of cardio but God is showing me how when we seek Him first, everything falls into its rightful place. I've lost five of the ten pounds I couldn't get to come off when exercising every day no matter what…my goal is to get up and go at 5 or 6AM each day…but only if I can spend time with God first. But, I do have a commitment to an active lifestyle…so do those activities with my kids count in this busy season? Please say yes because I can workout for a few weeks but I have to sleep eventually 🙂

  14. Just left you a comment on an old post…about the year of yes and want to make sure you get it or it's emailed to you or something. seriously. separated at birth. love you!

    I love to exercise…was a group instructor for years. These days I have to seek God first, meet my family's needs and there's not so much left for exercise so I try to throw the football with my son, run around the cul-de-sac with the kids, kick the soccer ball with my daughter, hit softballs, etc. Not as hard core as an hour of cardio but God is showing me how when we seek Him first, everything falls into its rightful place. I've lost five of the ten pounds I couldn't get to come off when exercising every day no matter what…my goal is to get up and go at 5 or 6AM each day…but only if I can spend time with God first. But, I do have a commitment to an active lifestyle…so do those activities with my kids count in this busy season? Please say yes because I can workout for a few weeks but I have to sleep eventually 🙂

  15. Lisa,

    A hundered years ago, there were no gyms, treadmills, ellipticals and aerobic classes. Because 100 years ago, people got enough exercise in every day life to keep them fit and healthy.

    In a perfect world, everyone would be doing what you are doing. In other words, if we were all out running around with our kids (or walking to work, or working on the farm…) then there would be very little obesity.

    The only thing I would caution you about is to make sure you get some sort of strength training to build your muscle and strenthen your bones. Even if it's only one day a week for 20-30 minutes. If you are getting that in your play with the kids, then never mind. 🙂

    What a wonderful example you are!!!!


  16. Lisa,

    A hundered years ago, there were no gyms, treadmills, ellipticals and aerobic classes. Because 100 years ago, people got enough exercise in every day life to keep them fit and healthy.

    In a perfect world, everyone would be doing what you are doing. In other words, if we were all out running around with our kids (or walking to work, or working on the farm…) then there would be very little obesity.

    The only thing I would caution you about is to make sure you get some sort of strength training to build your muscle and strenthen your bones. Even if it's only one day a week for 20-30 minutes. If you are getting that in your play with the kids, then never mind. 🙂

    What a wonderful example you are!!!!


  17. Hello,

    I found your site in a round about way. Loni from http://writingcanvas.wordpress.com/ had a post on her blog about Debbie from Heart Choices. I visited Debbie's site and enjoyed it and came to your's looking for inspiration to lose weight and become more fit. Your blog looks like just what I need. Thank you for your encouragement and great ideas.


  18. Hello,

    I found your site in a round about way. Loni from http://writingcanvas.wordpress.com/ had a post on her blog about Debbie from Heart Choices. I visited Debbie's site and enjoyed it and came to your's looking for inspiration to lose weight and become more fit. Your blog looks like just what I need. Thank you for your encouragement and great ideas.


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