1. Thanks Sandy. This is great. And your list is universally applicable. I can say that with confidence cause everything on it is relevant even to me, all the way up here in CANADA! Yes….we even have summer here lol!
    This year I was tempted to plan nothing. I think I’m still tired from hockey season ending…..in March! Sigh. But I decided to plan a few things. A week of morning vbs….in July. A week of all day day camp…in August. And 3 weeks of swimming lessons…..sprinkled in here and there. The swimming lessons are great because they force us to leave the house everyday…..but they only take an hour, so we still have time to do lots of other fun things.
    And the week before school starts….we have swimming lessons at 8:30 am. Which will be good practice for getting up for school.
    I hope I have a good mix of plans and no plans. Time for us to do nothing, or whatever we want, time for us to go and have an adventure, time to jump on the trampoline and ride bikes, time for the kids to have an activity, and time to wear pjs all day and play video games.

  2. Great list, Sandy! I am trying to get into a groove here. Every summer, I’m so motivated at the beginning (chore charts! teach kids how to do laundry and make a couple of simple meals! pick up and organize everyday! work happily alongside kids!) Somewhere along the way, we check out into screens 🙁

    But, I’m taking baby steps. Right now, 2 of the 3 are getting ready to run outside. Then we are going to have a few minutes of pick up after they get back, I’m going to have them go through ONE school bag of stuff they brought home – a little progress is better than getting overwhelmed and giving up!

    1. I am taking each day as it comes. If I think too long about the fact that I have to fill up the entire summer, I will die. Each day, I’m just tackling today.

  3. This is really the ultimate guide to summer! You’ve covered almost everything, and it’s amazing! This long list of activities will really keep the kids busy with their summer while being productive as well. The kids are really hyped about trying them out!

  4. I can understand it well. When my wife leave for weekly projects, it become challenge for me make my kids happy and entertained. I try to keep them involved in DIY activities or some time in games.

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