1. I really love what you wrote. Those really ring true to me too! I think one more thing for me is try to connect with each family member each day even for just a few minutes. I like to spend a little bit of time talking to to husband or watching TV with him etc. after everyone else is in bed. I really like to try to have dinner together with everyone when possible just to connect and hear what their days were like. I think striving for balance in life everyday is very goal worthy and a challenge. Thanks for your write ups!

  2. Sandy,
    It’s so great to have you ‘blogging’ again!!
    As for your list – you hit the nail on the head. #1 is a definite. #2 I never do as I’m a family of one and think – ‘why bother’ – but seeing that I usually don’t have the best weeknight dinners, I shall do for me what I do for my dinner party guests – plan! #3…YES, Yes, yes…this is the one I find the most excuses for…foolish girl!
    Thanks for reminding me of such important things in life.
    Keep writing!!

  3. Hey, Sandy. I always enjoy your posts – so much good info, and they always make me smile, and usually laugh, too. As for daily habits, I’d have to add for mine time alone to think. I am one of those annoying, rare, outgoing introverts, and I get really grouchy if I don’t get some time alone each day. Which can be really difficult to find while holding down a part-time job, part-time volunteer position, and raising 4 (soon to be 5) children with a husband who travels for work. But I am a happier, easier-to-get-along-with, altogether-better mom, wife, teacher, and church leader when I do get that alone time. Oh, and the house thing – we’re in the midst of keeping ours tidy for potential buyers – tedious to say the least. I’ll pray for you, too, when I get those moments of frustration!

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