1. YES!!! I am struggling mightily right now with a decision. I have prayed & meditated without ceasing for weeks now, and have no peace about either option. I have scripture to support both sides of the equation and so I've just stalled out. I feel bad now that I haven't opted either direction. I have read every entry like a dehydrated person in the desert that has just found an oasis. May God continue to speak through you to me!

  2. Sandy!

    So nice to meet you. I'm over here because Melanie linked this up to FB.

    I should be doing 100 other things right now, but I took 5 minutes to sit down and this is where the Lord directed me.

    I'm hearing the same exact voice daily.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this with us today.

    I'll be back for part 2!

    All I want to hear is HIS voice…

    Blessings to you♥

  3. Yes, the voices are confusing sometimes. Deciding which one to listen to is sometimes stressful. I stress over Sat mornings sometimes, too, esp if I'm not ready for Sunday. What should be done by Fri evening is now spilling into the weekend. Not good. What to do? Do what will 1) be blessing to God that day and 2) what will most meet the needs of you and the family for the day. That doesn't satisfy the demands of every Sat, but it helps with a bunch of them, for me anyway.

  4. Thank you for letting us into your brain. I feel right at home! 😉 YES I struggle too. I think most of us do. But I think the guidelines you set forth, backed up by scripture is a most encouraging and practical start! Again, thanks.

  5. I have these same thoughts daily…(and I bet you thought it was just you!)

    I agree with the comments about giving ourselves grace and doing what will be a blessing to ourselves and others.

    Great work once again, Sandy!

  6. Sandy for me, i think it's important that even if i do NOTHING I'll learn to love or hear God more.
    Sometimes doing nothin really refreshes me and gives me energy to work again as i know what I'm missing.

  7. Sandy, I found your blog by chance…love reading your posts. In the last 2 years I have been forced to slow down my life through illness. I have been in the very same situation you are in but I believe we know the true voice of God…when He speaks it is unmistakable. When God speaks we do not feel guilty or confused, there is a sense of calm, serene confidence that we can step out boldly if we must or just rest easy if that is what we need to do.

    God Bless you…

  8. Sandy, thank you so much for coming over and visiting my blog and following me. I am so glad I found you also! I believe God led me to you. God is leading to me to all the right places I need to be to feed my spirit, my body is weak in this life but that does not matter because my spirit is what counts and my spirit is what will continue to live into eternity.

    I was doing a Google search for an image from "Eat, Pray, Love" but I clicked of the image and began reading your blog.
    I have been reading some more of your posts, you write in a way I can understand, very simply and clearly.

    I look forward to much reading and sharing of thoughts with you…love and hugs and many blessings…Lisa

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