Want to Be on My Launch Team? (And the Book Cover Reveal!)
The time has come.
After a year (A YEAR!!!!!) in the writing cave…
I’m finally ready to release my first book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are on my email list, you helped pick the cover of the book. Thank you! It was so fun when the responses started pouring in. I kept a literal tally sheet and everything.
The choice was easy, because this photo won by a landslide. Without further ado, introducing the cover for Finding Your Balance (ta-da!):
And here’s the back:
I absolutely love it, don’t you? To me it says “Peaceful” “Calm” and “Any girl can do this.” That is exactly what I wanted. You all are so smart.
An honorable mention goes to the following two photos tied for 2nd place, which ran neck-and-neck the entire time.
Now it’s time to assemble the Launch Team.
This is so important, you guys, so please, please…if you love what you read here on the blog even a little bit…I really need your help. Please consider being part of my launch team.
What the Launch Team Agrees to Do:
- Read the book–it’s a workbook so you won’t have time to complete the actual study, but you can read through it and get a feel for it, and work through some of the lessons–before the release date (September 12).
- Post an honest review on Amazon once it releases to the public (September 12, in case you missed that)
- Tell your people about it!
What you Get from me:
- A FREE copy via PDF of the entire book before it releases. (paper copy of book will sell for $14.99)
- FREE access/membership to the Finding Your Balance closed Facebook community that will open in September–I’ll be leading a group through the study on this page. More on this later. (a $10 value)
- FREE copy of my e-book 25 Little Things You Can do to Reach Your Fitness Goals (a $5 value)
Some Simple Ways You Can Spread the Word:
- If you are a blogger, write a post about it. (I will provide blurbs, links, and photos you can include and all you need to do is add your own flair.) (Really, I’m doing the work for you–you just cut and paste.) (This is so easy!)
- Share about the book on your social media. (You’re there anyway, right?)
- Gather a group of women and go through the study as a group. (This is actually my favorite option. My heart would be so happy if you study this as a group.) (Please do this!)
- Tell your church women’s ministry leader, or whomever decides what studies your church uses, about the study and ask her to lead a group of women in the study at your church.
- Buy an actual paper copy of the book when it releases (it is a workbook after all–you’ll need the paper copy to answer the questions) (If you don’t want another copy, you can give it to your friend who struggles with balance…which happens to be ALL YOUR FRIENDS) (Plus, every sale of the book tells Amazon to show it to people who are searching for a Bible study.)
What you need to do today:
Enter your email address and name below. When the confirmation email comes, confirm that you signed up. You’ll be redirected to a page with the link to the PDF. I’m in the process of getting all the technical stuff in place, so if you notice a glitch or something, hang tight–I just came out of the writing cave and my eyes are still trying to adjust to the light.
Thank you all so much. You’re the best.