Weekend Links {10}
On the home-selling front, no house showings in almost 2 weeks! That’s not good (except that I haven’t had to create the dreaded Fake House in awhile). Apparently, potential home-buyers in Kentucky are super-scared of snow/slush/cold. I had a micro-second where I started to worry about selling our house before we move in April. But then I remembered that worrying wouldn’t make my house sell any faster. So, I went about my day trusting God would send the right buyer at the right time.
On a personal note, I’ve decided to stop using my cell phone altogether in my car after watching this. (if you are receiving this by e-mail, you’ll need to click over to the blog to see it)
Our high school tried to book this girl to speak to our students, but was she was unavailable the rest of the year. Instead, the principal asked that we view this video with our teens and discuss distracted driving with them.
I’ve never been one to text and drive, but I do keep my phone near me and look at emails and texts at red lights or while moving slowly through carpool. I also sometimes make calls or answer my phone. After reading her story (and a few others on the Dept of Transportation website), I’m convinced it’s just as dangerous as drinking and driving.
From henceforth, my phone stays in my purse untouched, until I am parked. If I expect my kids (one of whom will be driving NEXT MONTH!!!) to stay off their phones in the car, I should lead by example.
(Ironically, it was my oldest who showed the most concern for this change. “WHAT IF IT’S AN EMERGENCY AND WE NEEEEEEEEEED YOU??????” I reminded her that a few years ago I didn’t even carry my cell phone all the time and rarely took it out of my purse. We’d all survive. I promise.)
Also, in the true spirit of becoming less dependent on technology, I will be powering down completely on the weekends. (I schedule these posts ahead of time, so I’m actually off line as you read this) If you leave me a comment or send an email, I will not see it until Monday.
We’ll all survive…I promise.
Enjoy this week’s links and see you Monday!
Dear Lonely Mom of Older Kids, by Rachel Anne Ridge. TEARS!!! I wish I would have written this, except I’m not quite to the point where I can speak with such confidence. Some day when my kids are grown and everyone turns out okay, I will be back to write this post. In the mean time, read her version.
Hey Mom of Teenagers, You are Doing a Great Job, by Rachel Ann Ridge. So, I am new to Rachel’s blog and started clicking around. She’s been a blogger since the stone-ages, when blogs came etched on stone plates (2006). I don’t know how I never happened upon her before. Anyway, I couldn’t decide which post I liked better for linking purposes, so I just decided to link to both.
All The Life-Changing Thoughts, by Blythe at The Fike Life This is your weekly, “Too much internet/screen time/social media is bad for you” post, in a light-hearted, contemplative, rambling sort of way. This is a mom who is pregnant with her 6th baby, so I’m all, “WHEN does she actually get to be on social media???” (Thank you, Sarah from Clover Lane for sharing this with me.)
An Incredible Reminder of How Short Life Really Is, by Donald Miller . What would you do if you only had 100 years to live? Be sure to watch the 2 minute video in this one.
Thank you for the links! I specially enjoyed the first two, as I have a just-turned-13-year-old, and an 11-year-old who’s apparently going on 30. Their new “developmental stages” have brought on a whole new group of parenting challenges – as well as delights, to be fair. I was able to share the link with another mom friend who needed some encouragement. SO thank you again!
Also, a bit of encouragement for you – this was part of my devotional calendar yesterday, and I thought it might bring a little sunshine as it did me, in our mutual home-selling madness.. “Your gravest danger is worrying about tomorrow. If you try to carry tomorrow’s burdens today, you will stagger under the load and eventually fall flat. You must discipline yourself to live within the boundaries of today. It is in the present moment that I will walk close to you, helping you carry your burdens. Keep you focus on My Presence in the present.”. The weather IS going to clear, and soon we’ll be in our new homes! Praying for just the right family to see your home, and that God’s timing is soon.
Thank you for the encouragement and prayers. Since I posted Saturday’s blog, we’ve received requests for three more showings. 🙂
Our family and our town was touched very personally four years ago by the loss of a 17 year old friend of our daughter’s due to texting while driving. I will never forget having to wake my daughter to tell her. Never. The spot of the accident is marked with a reflective cross on the tree. I always pray when people see that cross that they put their phones away. It simply is not worth it. We got along just fine before cell phones. They definitely are convenient but nothing is worth the loss of life. It all can wait. Yes even emergencies can wait sweet Rebekah. 🙂
I am working on becoming less dependent on technology too. I have been reading quite a few blogs of other people feeling the exact same way. I truly think the balance is starting to shift and us older folks are starting to remember life before all these screens. I have thought for years that I should shut the screens off for the weekend. I think you just inspired me to get my rear in gear and do it. I’ll be sure to “go dark” tomorrow. *high five*
Thanks for all the great links. I so understand being a mom of older teens. Mine are 20 and 17. There were so many precious moments and truly drop to your knees all I know to do is pray moments. It was exhausting, exhilarating and it went by in the blink of an eye. I have these amazing relationships with them now that I wouldn’t trade for the world but there is an aching there knowing it all will just keep changing. My oldest’s graduation was so bittersweet and so full of tears. Leaving her at college, three hours away, was gut wrenching but I was so proud of her. My youngest is only months from graduation. Sigh. As hard as it all was I wish I could do it all over again. I love being a mom.
I’m so sorry about the loss of your daughter’s friend. How tragic.
I have been backing further and further away from technology, slowly, for the last few years. I cannot believe how much more peaceful I feel as I do. It has been so refreshing to feel the difference.
Congrats on going dark this weekend. *high five*
Thank you.
I have found the same thing…a peace does settle over me. It feels so good I want more of it. Don’t get me wrong I love technology and I have made a living online for 15 years but I miss that calm I had before living online. I am working hard to try to find a better balance in it all. Seeking God’s guidance.
Going dark on Sunday extended to Monday and most of Tuesday! 🙂 Felt good!