Weekend Links {18}
Happy weekend! The trees are changing and nearing their peak vibrance here in Kentucky. I keep saying to the kids, “Oh! Look at THAT one! And that one!” Yesterday, Elliana was all, “YES, MOM, I SEE ALL THE TREES. CAN I STOP LOOKING NOW?”
I love Nature’s big crescendo, before everything drops down and becomes silent for a season. I like the silent season, too, though.
(Sorry, no images…I’m sitting here on a Saturday morning with my coffee, but I’m just too lazy to plug my phone into my laptop and download the pictures)
In other news, lady bugs have descended upon my home. There are hundreds crawling all over the columns on my porch. They have found a way to crawl inside our screened in porch, even though we’ve had it caulked and everything, so I can’t open my back door like I usually do during the day. Thursday, they were crawling through the top of my front door and into our foyer. First the giant grasshoppers. And now the lady bugs. Good times.
Here are some outstanding things I read on the Internets this week. Truly. You need to read all of them.
To Teenage Girls, With Love, by Sarah at Clover Lane
12 Simple Living Graphics to Share and Inspire Others, on Becoming Minimalist
What if We Can’t Heal How We Really Want to Because We Don’t Want to Really Put Down Our Phones?, by Jefferson Bethke (be sure to watch the You Tube video imbedded in this one)
The Gate is Open, by Jen Hatmaker
An Essential Step to Being a More Positive Thinker and Doer, by Al Andrews
Here are a few posts from the archives I updated. This was a series I did back in 2008, to discuss different reasons God may want to speak to you. I like this series:
God’s Communication Goals, Part One: God Wants You To Know Him
God’s Communication Goals, Part Two: God Wants You to Know You
And, in case you missed this one:
When I Can’t Be Trusted to Think My Own Thoughts
Speaking of my thoughts, music plays a big role in my thought life. If you want to know what has been on replay in my house the past two weeks, it’s this. It’s become my anthem.