1. I made the choice to have a daily quiet time many years ago. I’ve been pretty consistent about it except for the occasional miss. But it makes such a difference in my day. My husband and I work together from home and he notices the difference in me if for some reason I missed my quiet time.

    I have a comfortable chair in my home office where I have my Bible, journal, pen and highlighter. I grab my first cup of coffee and take time to pray.

    The challenge that I often face during this time though is my mind wanders to things like “I need to remember this” or “I should call so and so”. Sometimes, I’ll just jot a word or two down to remember and then go back to my quiet time. I like your idea of candles. I love them but never thought of it for this time of my day.

    BTW, thanks for visiting my blog. And I so agree with you about parents teaching their children about good nutrition. 🙂

  2. Hey girl!

    Great post today. I like candles too. They really help me to chill out during my quiet time.

    I love this:

    “I’ve come to realize that I set the emotional thermostat in our house. Where Mommy goes, so goes the family. Therefore, my inner peace is of utmost importance if I desire an atmosphere of peace in our home—which I do.”

    Awesome. The emotional thermostat. What a grand way of thinking about it. And it’s ohhhhh so true.

    Thanks so much 🙂 Have a fabulous day, friend!

    Kate 🙂

  3. I’m in a season of “small moments”. Sometimes I am drawn to a specific time away with God (and I love every minute!), but usually it is quick little lessons received here and there. Silence on the go! So I really enjoyed reading through your suggestions.

    Sitting by the dishwasher when it’s running works, too!

  4. I love your way of gently encouraging. I also love the book “Celebration of Discipline”. I am learning (still) about the climate of our home. The “atmosphere” I call it. Just today I yelled at my son (isn’t that sweet). He yelled back, “mom, you pray for joy and peace and then you yell. That is not going to make joy and peace!!” OUCH!

    I have a question, How did you know I have you on my blogs I read? I’m sorta new at this… Learning all the time from you wise, widgetous women. 🙂
    Thank you!

  5. I’m new to your blog today, but I love it already. It’s beautifully done, and your thoughts are very readable. I definitely crave more solitude in my life, and I seem to get my best alone time either when the baby is napping, or late at night when the rest of the house is fast asleep. How grateful I am that God is ever-patient and ever-present, always waiting to receive me when I come to Him. Thanks for your insight! I’d be so honored if you visited my blog. It is a humble page compared to yours, but it’s genuine. God bless you richly!

  6. Sandy,
    You’re too kind…
    Thanks for visiting, and I hope you’ll come back. I know it’s not an exciting page yet… I’m not nearly as techo-savvy as you are, but slowly I’m trying to spice it up. (Advice is always welcome.)

    I’m glad to have given you some Advent inspiration — go get that wreath and candles! It’s a meaningful tradition that’s easy to do. Sometimes finding the 4 candles can be tricky, but Michael’s is a good bet.
    Bless you today!

  7. I love this series but have been awful lately at the finding time for myself with God. Even the time I take to study and write is generally for others around me and geared towards what they are going through and how I can help them.

    Thank you for the reminder that I need that quiet time with God to keep everything together in a peaceful and obedient way.

    I am the queen of control…getting everyone where they need to be when they need to be there, making sure every detail is taken care of.

    But things are so much more joyful and I am so much more content with the endless busyness when I am focused on God first and taking care of myself spiritually.

    Have a beautiful Thanksgiving!

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