1. Happy Fitness Friday:)

    On Thanksgiving Day – I usually go for a long run before we feast on all the fine foods! It makes me feel great, and it gets me good and hungry for feasting with family!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Kate 🙂

  2. This is a great post! I’m so glad I found you from your guest post today. I also write about healthy choices on my blog Heart Choices. This is excellent advice you gave. Thanksgiving is a day of thankfulness and good food. I always exercise and one of my ongoing tips is to not go to the table starving. I always try to spoil my appetite.

  3. What? The give-a-way is over? This one came and went too fast….

    Your turkey soup sounds a lot like the stock that I make for my stuffing. And yes it is absolutely delicious and very very aromatic. I also throw in some sage, rosemary and thyme. very very delicious!!

    I continue to try to make healthier choices and working on not beating myself up when I mess up. Have cut back my Diet Pepsi consumption more than half — I was drinking close to 100 ounces a day so that would be about 700 ounces a week (I’m sure my kidneys must look like raisins) to now maybe 200 ounces a week. That’s a big improvement. Eating smaller portions for all my meals — serving my meals on the salad plates. And I have found that my scrub pants are not as tight on me…

    I finally received the book so I will be reading it this weekend after I prepare my Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.

    And since this year my mom is cooking thanksgiving dinner, it’s pretty safe to assume that I will behave… 🙂

  4. Sandy, I popped over here from Internet Cafe. What a touching post you shared and I can relate to God’s silences. I love how you found the “secret” of our own resurection in the story of Lazarus. The Lord has used this passage to speak to me deep things in the past. It was encouraging for me to hear how He has used this passage in your life. God bless you, sister!

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