1. Sandy, I can not agree with you more on this! Thanks for addressing this issue, seems like “angry Christians” are everywhere. Thanks for sharing how important it is to share God’s love! I truly believe He doesn’t want us to serve Him out of fear.

  2. Thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts and heart on this one. I so agree and it hurts to see our Savior unjustly maligned in the name of evangelism.

  3. I’m familiar with the approach you are talking about. I don’t think it works. Trust me, I’ve learned that if I have some guy interested in me who I am NOT interested in — I just turn on the Bible Thumping Evangelism. It gets rid of them in 10 seconds.

    Seriously though, this approach tends to alienate people rather than draw them closer to God. We are supposed to be Ambassadors for Christ not His “hit men”.

    Sadly though, the church has responded with being really wishy washy and watering down the gospel so as not to offend or hurt anyone’s feelings.

    Neither approach just reflects the Love of a Just God Seeking to Save the Lost.

    And PS — My mom will occassionally be the Turn or Burn kind of evangelist. I keep tell her that her approach does not work. I get one of those “get behind me Satan” responses or glares with a “I am not ashamed of the gospel.” She’s mellowed over the years, THANK GOD!!!

  4. Absolutely RIGHT, Sandy! I totally agree with your thoughts here and I’m so glad you had the courage to post them. Those people are only concerned with tallying up numbers, not with caring for souls. I, too, am grieved to think about how many people were turned off to the message of Christ that day. I’m sure God is grieved too.

  5. This is the kind of ‘display’ Hollywood feeds off…so sad..it is hard to believe in this day and age…but for the grace of God and understanding it…

    we forget that God is first and foremost a Gentleman…never shoves, forces, emotionally blackmails…
    He reserves His ‘harsh’ words for the Pharisees….

  6. Wow! What an experience! I have never been anywhere where that kind of thing is going on, but it would definitely turn me off too. I love Jesus with all my heart and I know that it is the mercy and goodness of God,that I definitely did not deserve, that has changed me time and time again! He is a loving, sweet, gentle God!

  7. Yikes! Oh, ouch, that hurts. Unfortunately, those “Christian” folks have yet to encounter the Savior who died for them for the sake of mercy, or they would not be behaving in such a tragic way.

    May Jesus have mercy on all of us.

  8. What an experience!!! I have heard people talk about experiences like this, I’m still in shock.

    You handled it beautifully my friend, beautiful!

  9. I am a KY girl-transplanted elsewhere. Maybe that is part of the reason I am so grieved by this. We used to sell burgers in the infield to raise money for missions. There are lost people there just as there are lost people in our churches. So very sad to me. I will be praying on this one and as I have noticed more and more that even those who accept Christ in their youth are now looking at these folks and walking away…my brother included.

  10. Great post Sandy…I can’t imagine how awful it must have been to see these doing far more harm than good in our Savior’s name! Good for you for at least trying to point out the error of their ways. I imagine I would have had an equally difficult time keeping my mouth shut in the face of such horrible witnessing technique!

  11. Sandy, Incredible rebuttal to the “hit man” (I liked that analogy) methodolgy.

    Since you were unable to voice your thoughts to the “witnesses”, and undoubtedly they are not reading your blog, perhaps you might consider submitting this in a letter to Pastor Richardson at the First Baptist Church on Main St. or even a letter to the editor of the paper.

    Sharon Veech

  12. Come on over to Sharing Life with Lisa. I have a little something for you sweetie. I love you and I’m praying for you! Thanks for being a blessing to me.

  13. Sandy I had come by earlier to invite you over to SLwithLisa and wanted to come back to read this as it caught my eye when I was here.

    WOW! this is insightful and power packed and I pray that each person that needs to read this would find themselves here.

    Angry Christians can cause many to MISS JESUS!

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