1. Sweet Sandy, I am so thrilled for you–
    of course still praying for your book to be
    published; but also so humbled to see
    the people God brought into your
    path to speak to YOU, to give YOU a
    loving message…that you are walking in
    His will for your life & your story.

    And one day, when I am published, I can
    truly say that God used a beautiful woman
    of God named Sandy Cooper to minister
    to me in the midst of my chaos, and to
    guide & encourage me to keep writing
    because I have a gift. Writing has been one
    of the ways I have felt redeemed, one of the
    many tools God had used to heal me!

    So thank you, and I love you so!

  2. Sandy, reading this reminds me that we never have to wonder what our calling is or what our ministry is or what our purpose is, the Lord places people in our paths and we don't even have to 'search' for what it is he would have us to do. You obviously are very obedient and the Lord is using you in a huge capacity. Blessings to you, and that book? He has great things coming, hang on…

  3. Amazing, Sandy. God bless you. I do hope your book is published, but if it isn't this time around, I'm very glad you went to that conference and encountered all those people. It was definitely not wasted time, no matter what happens.

    God is truly amazing.

  4. I've been sitting here thinking of what to say…and all I can come up with is….
    AMEN! Such an encouraging post…some days I need a reminder of why I continue to write, and this was one of those days.

  5. Amazing…God is truly amazing. No-one could have orchestrated that. Bless you Sandy as you continue to obey God and walk with Him in your everyday life – with the everyday obedience that brings an abundance of fruit.

    Connie, Winnipeg – Canada

  6. This is amazing, Sandy. Just last night as I was telling my husband about an encounter I had yesterday he said to me (as he so often does), "There are no accidents." All of these encounters were God-ordained, Sandy, and I am so excited to see what He does next!

  7. As I started reading I myself had wondered if you wandered into the wrong conference! Sometimes life is completely upside down and inside out. Other times, things mysteriously align in unexplainable ways. What an interesting crossroad you are at.

  8. I just found your blog and was sent from Melanie Dorsey via FB and I am sooo glad she sent me!

    What a powerful journey the Lord has taken you on….I agree so many are hurting and need a touch, a word, some hope…anything to make the pain, the questions, the storms able to bear!

    Praying your book is published SOON!!!

  9. I'm so proud of you Sandy. Your testimony is already being used to minister and I can't wait for you book to be published and minister to so many more. Thank you for releasing your pain to God and releasing Him to use it for His glory.
    Wow, sounds like you just got confirmation over and over!
    Praying for you continually!

  10. Sandy!!!!!!!!! I am so excited about all that God is doing to confirm HIS plans to use you and the message He has entrusted to you. I feel this urgent need to say this. Please hear it with love and passion. From a woman who wishes she had more time, please start writing it now. I know you have some written but you will probably need 50,000 words. Don't wait for a contract. Write what you have now while it's fresh on your heart and all this stories are on the surface in your thoughts. Interview those people. Write their stories. Weave in more of what God gives you.

    As one who is now under contract, oh how I wish I had started writing sooner. I know some would say not to do this, but you can always change it later. The thing is, it takes so much time and when you start writing about storms and chaos – you are going to start experiencing both – and it will take time to live through those and then write what you know and more that HE will teach you through them. So write NOW and then add to it. I promise you can trust me on this one. And if yo have any questions, email me.

    So stinkin proud of you and can't wait to read your book!!!!!!


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