Writer’s Conference Afterglow, Part Deux and A Give Away!
In Sandy-Speak, that’s AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many writers don’t make it past this vital first step. But a first step, it is. The road to publication is a LONG one.
Basically, these three publishers will take my proposal home (along with all the others they accepted) and read it. If they still like it, they will take it to their bosses and their editorial committees, where another group of people will decide if it’s good enough to publish. If I make the cut at the editorial committee, then it will go to the “pub board”—which I’m assuming has absolutely NOTHING to do with beer. If I make the cut there, they will offer me a contract. Then I begin the long process of actually writing and editing the book—which may or may not have something to do with beer.
This entire process takes months…so, by all means, get on with your lives while you’re waiting to hear if I’ve made the next cut. I am seriously getting on with mine in the interim. And I promise to keep you all in the know as information comes available. Just like your local news, I am.
Now on a personal note, Moody was more than excited about the book idea. They loved it. I mean, other than people who know me, I’ve never had someone in “the business” ever be so enthusiastic about my work. I want really badly to believe it is because it is a great book and not because I was the second appointment of the day, and the lady in the first appointment didn’t know what a book proposal was.
Tyndale and Bethany House liked the idea, but warned me against a host of other books by “big name” authors with which I’d be competing. This is the fate that plagues new authors like me. If my book is on the shelf next to the one by Max Lucado and Joyce Meyer, most people will reach for the author they know and trust—and that ain’t me.
Nothing personal, but publishing is a business. Publishers are looking for the next great author. They only want to publish books they think will sell. Fortunately, for them, I had a whole competition section in my proposal where I explain why my book is unlike any other on the market, thankyouverymuch. And I need to keep reminding myself that even Max Lucado and Joyce Meyer started somewhere.
Speaking of Max Lucado, he was one of the many ridiculously talented speakers at this conference.
In between people sharing with me their deep, dark places, God placed me under the most amazing teaching I’ve ever encountered, as far as writing goes. The line up read like a Who’s Who in Christian publishing. I’m still trying to absorb and process everything I heard.
Kendra Smiley and Bob Hostetler spoke, in addition to a host of talented people teaching workshops and continuing classes. I couldn’t take notes fast enough.
Not only were the Keynote speakers phenomenal (one or two of them could have carried the Keynote responsibilities…but all of them? Are you kidding me?), but I also had the privilege of meeting with mentors in my field. Namely, Virelle Kidder and Suzie Eller. God knew exactly with whom I needed to meet and why. I love these women. I think Virelle may very well be a future version of me. And Suzie…she’s part human, part angel.
Here I am with author/speaker Kendra Smiley.
I met her in the Chicago airport. I recognized her immediately, as I have read and enjoyed her books in the past. She wrote a book on strong willed children that saved me from losing hope in my own strong-willed child.
But folks, the absolute highlight of my conference experience was hearing and meeting Phil Vischer, the creator of Veggie Tales.
If you ever get a chance to hear Phil speak in person, you simply must go. Even if every Veggie Tales episode is not permanently encoded into your brain due to repeated exposure, like it is in mine. And even if, when you hear a Bible story, you don’t first think of it in the form of animated talking vegetables , like I do. You will LOVE hearing Phil’s heart.
I was the first one in line at Phil’s signing table, thanks to my good friend Julie who stalked…um, I mean STAKED out our spot. I may have over-done it a bit in the “gushing” department with Phil. He looked a little frightened when I went on and on about how much I love him and how I can sing every Silly Song with Larry and how I’m from Toledo just like Phil Winklestein (The giant, scary celery in Where is God When I’m Scared?) I’m pretty sure he pushed a hidden button under his table signaling security to keep a close watch on Psycho Sandy Cooper.
Do you see the fear in his eyes?
But he did manage to sign a few things for me, before the nice men in uniforms escorted me away. Namely, a copy of Phil’s book Me, Myself and Bob, which I am giving away to one of YOU! Do you know how much I love you all, that I’m actually giving you one of my signed copies of this book? Do you? DO YOU??????!!!!!!!!
To enter, simply leave a comment telling me your favorite Silly Song With Larry. If you don’t know what a Silly Song with Larry is, chances are you won’t love this book as much as I do. Come to think of it, chances are really good no one will love this book as much as I do.
I’ll announce the winner on Fitness Friday.
I miss you already! I had sooooo much fun stalking "media" personale with you! 😉
Please remember to email me photos…by the way we never did get one of the two of us together…guess that means you need to go to the "She Speaks" conference with me in July. LOL.
Love you dear friend. Remember, one of us is going to become famous so we can endorse the other to notoriety too! (hmmmm is that how you spell notoriety?)
Oh well, great post. I felt like I was back at the conference…ONLY WITHOUT all the pressure!
How exciting! Thanks for sharing the details of the conference.
My favorite silly song has got to be The Cheeseburger song. The video is the best and actually now the song will be stuck in my head. thanks!
I have two:
Where is my hairbrush & Song of the Zebu.
And I, too, am singing oh where is my hairbrush, oh where is my hairbrush?
Thanks for the give away.
I laughed when you said part human, part angel. What a fun description that I don't deserve. : ) It was good meeting you. I'm excited about your news.
Meeting Phil Vischer would have been my highlight too! I still loove Veggie Tales, and sometimes(kind of) joke with my young teenage son about watching some episodes at home on a movie night(he'd rather not). I have often told my husband that he could easily create Veggie Tale stories as he can be just as silly! I heard that Phil's book is very good, and would love to read it.
I get the biggest kick out of the "Hairbrush" song. It's so silly and so meaningful at the same time. Giving up what we love but don't need….sugar anyone?
Connie, Winnipeg
What an awesome experiance! So many authors in on place would make me go crazy too! jeje
So glad to have you back though.
I really pray your book gets past all the check points.
My favorite Larry song is "Where is my Hair brush?"
Great giveaway!
Dani Joy
Hey girl, I'm so excited things went well. You've got me motivated to start writing again!
Can't wait to see you fulfill your destiny!
Paula G.
I do kind of see the fear in his eyes (last photo). But NONE in yours. a good thing.
Philip Yancey is in my top 5. i am reading one of his now.
Congrats Sandy on a very successful conference. I have no doubt you will be published! I am so happy for you! Love ya!
Congratulations on your success with three publishers. I'm voting for Moody Press, as my daughter works for Moody Media (the radio ministry of Moody.)
My favorite song is "Oh Where is My Hairbrush." I have a fun memory of doing this song with puppets for children in Scotland, ages ago.
O Sandy . . . I always smile inside when I read your Posts. You are such a delight: sweet, talented, funny, 'light' carrier – I know they were all blessed for you to show up at this conference. So good to know you!
Congratulations on your proposal being accepted by not one, not two, but THREE publishers. I will be praying as it moves through the process. You are so funny… this post made me laugh.Which is why I want to win the book. I love to sing silly songs and read to my sweet grandbaby. Alas, I don't yet know the VegieTale silly songs as they weren't invented when my children were little. All the more reason to learn them all now, I say. So pick me so I can be the silly and current Nanna. Thankyouverymuch!
How amazing to have your proposal in the works! Love those authors you were able to listen to and speak with.
And I LOVE Phil Vischer! Anyone who can come up with that many voices and characters is at the top of my list.
Hi!! So glad we are friends on facebook now! 🙂 You know Megan??? I'm wondering how! It is such a small world!
Anyway, my favorite silly song, although I love them all, is I LOVE MY LIPS…….
Love you!
Tammy Nischan
Thanks for your kind words everyone! And the Silly Songs…you all crack me up. I think mine may be a tie between "Cheeseburger" and "Barbara Manatee."