You Were Created to Hear God’s Voice
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
John 10:27
You were created to hear God’s voice.
As much as you have eyes that see or nerves that feel pleasure or pain, you have an ability to sense the voice of the One who created you.
Before sin entered the world, the first man and woman had complete and unhindered communication with God as He walked with them in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). Can you even imagine what that must have been like? Back then, Adam and Eve never wondered if God loved them. They never worried. They never doubted. They were never afraid. They were never confused about God’s will. They never felt the sting of rejection or the frustration of misunderstanding. God freely spoke to them and they heard Him–loud and clear.
Then sin entered the world, and with it came a whole mess of problems, not the least of which was separation from God. From that point until now, our ability to hear God has been seriously impaired. So much so that a lot of people don’t even think God speaks. And even if He does speak, they think He doesn’t speak to them.
The great news is that God’s desire to communicate with us has never diminished. Not even a little bit. God promised a day would come when every person would have the opportunity to know Him:
“Behold the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel…I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; I will be their God and they shall be My people…for they shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD.”
Jeremiah 31:31-34
God sent His only Son to die, marking the beginning of this new covenant. The new covenant includes a lot of amazing elements, one of which is the ability to enter into God’s presence freely and boldly (see Hebrews chapters 9 and 10). God promised He would put His law in our minds and write it on our hearts, from the least of us to the greatest of us…that means everyone.
Including you.
Including me.
No matter your race or religious background.
No matter your social status or affiliations.
Whether you have a PhD in theology or lack your GED.
Whether you are a child or a grandparent.
A stay-at-home mom or a CEO of a major corporation.
Pastor or parishioner.
Married, single, divorced or widowed.
Indeed, the day has come where we can all be His sheep. If you have given your life to the Good Shepherd, you have all the equipment you need for Shepherd-hearing potential. You are His sheep.
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. “
updated and reprinted from the archives
Great insights, creative and funny. Can we conclude from this that God speaks through sheep too?
This is the passage I was trying to tell you about at dinner!!! The one we studied Saturday night at church and thought of you! God is so good. He spoke through His Word and through you and Dave Stone. The same passage discussed 3 days in a row. He most certainly does speak … loud and clear.
Thanks for the comments, guys. Kathy, I’m humbled and honored to be in the same spiritual company as Dave Stone. God is very, very cool.