1. I found your blog through a friend's & I'm so glad I did! God works in such wonderfully, mysterious ways! :). My husband & I are currently in the process of adopting a 3 yr old girl from China. She was laid on our hearts through friends who had adopted from her orphanage at Christmas. We have not been matched with her yet but are very close! Her name is Naomi & we would love your prayers as we continue this journey. We have 3 biological sons so this is going to be quite an adjustment for us all. We are super-excited to see what the Lord has in store for us!!

  2. I would just like to add that when researching an adoption program (domestic or international) that you also join different forums online. Adoption.com, Yahoo and Facebook have many groups. There you will find people who have either been through the process or are in the process and can answer questions that your agency may or may not answer.

    You can also request feedback on different agencies — which will be done privately. And you can get honest feedback. The good, the bad, the wonderful and ugly.

    These groups can also give you a lot of information on what is really going on with the programs (if you go international).

    They can also be a source of support and encouragement during challenging times whether during the adoption process or while parenting. I, at least, appreciate the wealth of knowledge and wisdom and the roads traveled, from potty training to more complex issues of the adoptee dealing with grief and loss. It's great to have a community that is very supportive and encouraging.


  3. The Bolens: I have added you and Naomi to my prayer list and promise to pray for you daily! How exciting that you will be adopting a little girl from China. Please keep me posted.

    Ana: Great suggestion! I would also add that you can make great friends on such forums. 🙂

    (FYI, Ana and I met on one such forum called "Guatadopt" while we were both waiting to adopt our little ones. We have since met in person (she feared I was a 50-something year old man who wanted to kill her–I am NOT) and have stayed great friends for probably 4 years now!)

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