1. Sandy,
    You're probably right about the unsubscriber being a guy. I can't for the life of me understand why the content of your blod would be no longer relevant.

    With regard to yesterday's entry, it was real life. I think that just about everyone has had something so small and irrelevant like their weight send them in to a tailspin. That's life in this fallen world. It is real. Too many times Christians think that they have to hold out their lives as some example of perfection because they have Jesus in their lives. That just isn't realistic.

    I appreciate your honesty.

  2. Well one dropped but just a couple of days before one subscribed (me)…and I'm glad I did! I love the 30-day commitment you've made. It's encouraged me to commit time with God everyday as well, thank you!

  3. Oooooh, that's risky business, girlfriend! Asking God to rock your world. Last time I did that, He moved our family away from extended family, friends, church family, schools, ministry, and more! I still haven't totally figured out why He put us here.

    Really, though, if we all wanted a nice, stable, non-world-rocking faith, we wouldn't be following Jesus. Becuase nothing is more world-rocking than a dude who hung out with prostitutes and lepers.

  4. Sandy,
    If that person didn't unsubscribe you would not have been enlightened… He'll rock your world for posts beyond your imagination!
    Looking forward to reading more!

  5. Sandy,
    I always enjoy reading your posts. They are uplifting and encouraging. As someone said they are raw and real, like all of us. We go through stuff and it is so comforting to know we are not alone. Can't wait to hear how God is rocking your world. May it encourage all of us to step out too!

    Blessings to you and your family!

  6. Sometimes, His voice feels like a nudge or a groan or a poking or an aching.

    That is why this is challenging me too.

    and, I have been saying to God for two weeks as I sit on my deck in the early morning sun, "Here I am. Send me." And I'm wondering why I feel like I'm losing it… Could it be attack? Seriously, this thought just occurred to me yesterday that an attempt to share what God is doing must be an ugly threat. Just sayin'

    And in the nature of time I'm just going to post here instead of FFG blog but I read a quote that went something like this, "If you are eating right, exercising right and the scale doesn't reflect it. Don't stop, sister, remember, the scale lies."

    There you have it.

    My mucho crud. Exactly what I blogged about today.

  7. Reminds me of the prayer of Jabez when he asked God to expand his borders. At times I am afraid of that prayer and once even asked my husband "please don't pray the prayer of Jabez."

    I applaud your faith in asking God to rock your world. We stand with you, Sandy.


  8. I just had that happen to me after I posted ministry plans on my blog. I was a little surprised; but to be honest my first thought was that my identity does not lie in my followers or number thereof.

    It lies in Christ~ and He is who is leading me in new directions.

    A sweet freedom from people pleasing and wanting everyone to like me that has been such a blessing in my life.

    I still love you, because of your heart and your smile and your contagious faith and your willingness to write about all you find joy in and all you struggle with 🙂

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