1. Sandy,
    I've been where you are so many times. I've eaten well and exercised, but to no avail. I have yet to find an easy answer. The only advice I can give is "Don't Quit." As simple as it sounds, it is much more complex, as you well know.

    Losing 0.5 lb is progress!

  2. Sandy I'm sorry about gaining some of the weight back. I feel your pain believe me I do. I just turned 45 on the 5th and you are correct. Aging has so much to do with the slowing of our metabolism. I firmly believe this. I used to never have to worry about it either. The last 5 years or so have been a struggle for me. After a 48 pound weight loss since September of 09' I'm now trying very hard to lose the last ten. Ugh! I'm ALMOST there and it is getting frustrating to say the least. I just want it gone for good!

    From what you describe it sounds like you are following the *clean eating* program by Tosca Reno. Check out her website if you haven't seen it before. I can't seem to bring myself to eat the small meals throughout the day though. Sigh.

    I'm enjoying your blog! Thank you for sharing your story. I know it is hard to do. ~Melissa 🙂

  3. You crack me up. I love the last lines: And there you have it. Follow this and you will lose 4 pounds in a week and then gain back 3 ½ a few days later! That’s what I call progress!

    Hey — at least there is still the deficit! You looked that last 1/2 pound in the fast and it ran away cryin'! The other pounds will soon learn their lesson.

  4. Hang in there, sister. I'm going through something similar though it's mainly because my eating habits haven't been what they should! I'm realizing (ever so sadly) that even though I think I exercise alot (an hour and sometimes more at least 6 times, sometimes 7 a week) and feel like I run all up and down the stairs doing chores and housework (and honestly work up a sweat most days) I can't eat everything I want in the amount I want and lose/keep it off. Curious to know in future posts how you handle vacations, how to eat at parties, or out and about for hours at a time when you have to stop somewhere quickly to eat…I find that when I'm home or nearby for most of the day or it's just a routine kind of day I tend to eat alot better but the unknown throws me off and yet I realize that is a big part of life and I need to learn how to deal! Sorry for the ramble!!

  5. keep on keepin' on, amiga… and post that chicken, mozzerella ravioli recipe.

    PS. I'm beginning to eat like you… if it helps that sounds eerily similar to my diet and I'm not losing any weight either.

  6. Sorry about the gain. I tossed my scale out the window. I have no clue what I weigh now. Dangerous, I know. I love your sense of humor. I hope to be back on the wagon again here soon.

  7. I love the new blog. I was on here last week and read up, but was unable to comment (I'm sure I was breaking up a child fight!).

    I'm still here just not posting. My work schedule is finally slowing down a bit. We are getting ready to travel one more time before school starts next week.

    If it makes you feel any better…. I've been doing P90X for the 4th time and the scales gone up 2 lbs. Not that I'm trying to lose anymore weight. I would like to stay under 125 or right on it, but I hover around 127.

    Do you right in a food journal or use one of the many online ones? I've been trying to eat 5 meals a day and it's hard when you have a busy schedule. Especially when I like to eat – wait an hour – workout – weight an hour and eat again!

    Your diet looks great so hang in there. Hopefully your body will kick back into gear soon!

  8. Question for you…
    I notice you are doing a lot of almond milk. I myself despise cow's milk and when I have milk in cereal or make oatmeal I use organic lite vanilla soy (Kroger brand and I love it!). So my question is this, I've heard almond milk is yummy, but when I compared the two the soy has more protein and I think only 1 more calorie per serving (*I think*), why do you use almond milk over soy? Are there other health benefits or is it just a matter of taste?
    Lovin' the new blog!

  9. Break free Sandy. Toss out the scales.
    You see, I can say that, since I too have gained 10 lbs here lately and am not happy with it in the least. I've spend much of the past 3 or 4 months focusing on my weight. And truthfully, I can't pass by a mirror without checking my side view – my belly – O Goodness!
    But frankly, what I pray for is deliverence.
    For me, my body is and always has been my idol (it dictates what kind of mood I will be in) and I want rid of anything that hinders my walk with God. I am worn out with the worry of it all.
    Please don't throw your scales at me because I love you dearly. And I understand more than you might think.

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