A Monday Morning Walk Through My i-Phone Photos
It’s time for us to catch up on life. And nothing tells the story of my life better than my iPhone photos. Let’s take a walk through them, shall we?
This is a Cooper Kid’s print out of his/her lunch account. For the record, I allow the kids to buy lunch 2 times per week, and I pack for them 3 times per week. I put $100 in each account at the beginning of the school year, which should last about 10 weeks. After only 5 weeks, I received an alert saying we had a low balance. Hmmmm…
No need to zoom in. Just notice the highlighted items. These are actual lunch entrees. The remaining items are donuts, cinnamon rolls, ice cream, “bottled drinks” and “snacks.” Notice also, the one day this child spent $19.25 in one day. This is the child who also tells me he/she “is not very hungry for dinner” and then stands in the pantry eating chocolate chips before bedtime. I laugh and I cry. But mostly laugh.
I’d now like to introduce you to the various creatures around my home:
This is the Praying Mantis that hangs out in the back. We named him Todd. He’s as big as my hand.
This is a big, giant spider. We are all afraid of it, but no one will kill it. Plus, I have one child who would rather lose her actual parents than see any animal or insect die. So, we let it live here, against all our better judgment and to the complete horror of my Bible Study group. She has no name. I know she is a she because I looked it up on the internet (I wanted to make sure she would not eat me or kill me.) Jon wants to pair Todd with this spider for a battle and see who wins.
The other day, Elliana came running to find me because there was something “stuck in the screen.” I came out to the porch to find this.
It’s a humming bird, who lodged its beak into the tiny hole. I climbed onto a chair to gently push it out and free the humming bird. Unfortunately, it was too late. RIP little humming bird.
When I was sitting on my front porch, writing a lesson for my Bible Study the other day, this lovely grasshopper flew at me and landed on my chest. I screamed, of course, causing it to jump from my body onto my computer. It’s nice to know I’m never truly alone in the country.
Enough creatures. Less talk about my cute kids and food.
Elliana and I baked Apple Pie Bread Wednesday. We made one for the family and one for my Bible Study. Elliana made a note designating one loaf accordingly.
We bought the apples from a local apple orchard. It looked like this the day we were there. Seriously, this looks fake.
Speaking of beautiful, fake-looking skies, I walked out my front door last night to see THIS sunset.
We had a nice grape tomato harvest this year. I’ve used them in so many recipes. Super sweet and juicy!
I took Elliana out for a Girl Day. She loves shopping and eating dinner at Cheesecake Factory. Who am I to deprive her of that? I bought her this Cat Purse because it simultaneously makes me laugh and freaks me out.
Here she is in Cheesecake Factory, loving the mirrors. She’s the only one of my kids who will sing with me in public. Here, we are singing Bruno Mars, “When I Was Your Man.” She knows all the lyrics.
This is Elliana’s booster seat. It is sitting on the floor of our garage, because she is big enough to sit in a car without one. I can’t stand the thought of throwing it away just yet. This is the first time since 1997 that I do not have a car seat or a booster seat in my vehicle. *snif*
Elijah is having such a great Freshman Year. Here he is a football game, talking to a pretty girl, embarrassed that my friend caught him in the act. Gosh, how I love this kid.
Speaking of high school football, Rebekah is a varsity cheerleader this year. She’s the one holding the “C”.
My heart bursteth with pride…because, well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Here’s her latest art project. Photograph on the left. Her pencil drawing on the right.
Her school hosted the annual Senior Carnival, and she, of course, was in the face painting booth.
Here is the pineapple she painted on Elliana.
Then, Elliana was inspired to paint a palm tree on Jon. He’s a good sport.
My family came in from Ohio for Labor Day weekend. It was a smaller group than usual this year–8 guests, plus 5 of us. Lots of cooking. Lots of eating. Lots of laughing. Here is my sister, Pam. Of the 7 of us, she is the oldest and I am the youngest. I am praying I have her youthful genes–she is beautiful and wonderful. I look a little crazed in this picture. Look at my eyes! And I may or may not have food in my teeth.
I was surprised to get this in the mail the other day. It’s a phone book. Do people even USE phone books any longer?
And finally, I came across this on my walk the other day.
It says, “No pooping in this area/yard. Thank you!” I have so many questions right now. If this is directed toward dogs, how will they read it? If it is directed toward humans, why are they pooping in yards? You will be happy to know, I obeyed the sidewalk chalk sign, and waited until I got home to poop.
You are so amazing!!!!’ I love you so♥️♥️♥️ I love reading you blogs!! Full of love, laughter and…. ( don’t have a third)
You are amazing, too. (“full of love, laughter and…I don’t have a third.” bwahahahaha)
Beautiful family! Do you have a recipe for the apple loaf cake thingy? It looks delicious.
Here you go! http://www.spendwithpennies.com/warm-apple-pie-bread-with-cinnamon/
The recipe does not call for salt, but if I make it again, I will add some to the batter.
You are always so relatable! When I was growing up, we had an elderly neighbor who often walked in our house without knocking. This irritated my older sister. I don’t remember my parents being upset by it. My sister, however, was so upset that she took a piece of charcoal and wrote “Knock, knock, please” on the brick beside the front door. I have no idea if the lady ever noticed it or not because she didn’t change her behavior. The funny part to us all is, that was still on the brick when my mother moved this spring!
That is so funny, Lori! Amazing that it lasted all these years.
1) Spiders are horrifying.
2) Rebekah is an AMAZING artist! Would love to hear about her post-high school thoughts – is she pursuing an art career? We are starting down that whole path of colleges, etc with art in mind and I am looking for all helpful suggestions!
3) I miss the pleated cheerleader skirts and the ridiculously large pom-poms.
4) I toss out every phone book we receive. But you know what I keep? Old school directories from the time my oldest was in kindergarten through present day. Enormously helpful even now (playdates, parties, name of parents, etc.)
5)Sunsets and sunrises – can’t get enough. I take pictures every chance I get. Don’t get me started on fall foliage. I can’t even 🙂
Your comments always make me smile. It’s like looking in the mirror.
I have no helpful hints for college searching. I’m overwhelmed and just hope nothing falls through the cracks. We are about to enter the college application phase and I want to crawl under a blanket and eat pumpkin bread. For a year.