1. Wow. I am not taking lightly that you happened to see my comment on LPM, which lead you to my blog. And here I am sitting in awe reading a description of what I have been needing to hear these last few weeks. I have learned so clearly the lesson you have put to paper (or blog??!!??) over the last year and a half about waiting and trusting on God, have also struggled with who exactly He is and what exactly He is capable of and what He wants from me.

    And I am currently “waiting for an answer” as to what’s next? In fact, the next post I am writing but have not finished is on that. What do I do with my story? How do I use it to help others? I don’t want to just sit here and say every once in a while, or to only those in my circle, look what God has done. I want to use my story to shine God’s love and show His power o anyone and everyone.

    You put it so succinctly… “a woman who confidently shows others the way”. That’s ALL I need to do, and I will trust God will show me how and when and where.

    P.S. I also love the way your blog looks!! Did you do it yourself?


  2. Very well said! I am new to your blog (thanks to Dr. Feniez), thank you for your strength and understanding, it is nice to read about others who feel the same way, when sometimes, YOU JUST DO NOT UNDERSTAND: WHY!
    Rhonda Richins

  3. Amen! I read your post a few days ago and was stumped for how to comment. Mostly because the words the Lord spoke through your writing are still at work!

    Thank you for sharing your testimony. While I am truly and completely sorry for the loss of your son, I am encouarged to see the hand of God, faithfulness of God and His resurrection power in your life!

    May God continue to do His work in you and through you!

  4. “Mostly because the words the Lord spoke through your writing are still at work!”

    I couldn’t agree more. I keep coming back to this post and digesting the words.

    Thanks for this, Sandy!

  5. Oh, Sandy. My goodness! I’m so glad I stumbled across your blog. Your thoughts in this “silence” post are just incredible and inspiring and so wise. Thank you VERY much for sharing your story and your heart.

    I will never look at God’s silence the same way again.

    Have a good day 🙂


  6. Oh wow, Sandy. I don’t even know you but I ache for what you had to go through. I cannot imagine that feeling of losing one of my children. God really does work in mysterious ways. My husband and I went through the most trying circumstance a couple of years ago that could have completely destroyed our family, but God worked through it. He birthed our ministry and GREAT opportunities that we NEVER would have had if we were to have stayed where we were! God Bless and thanks for stopping by my blog so I could find you=) .tasha.

  7. Sandy,

    Your post touched me so much. I too have been in that dark confusing place, where I just could not see God in the midst of the worst time in my life (when my prescious son Brandon left on 8/3/04). I did the crying, screaming, doubting, and fighting God. All the while feeling like he had abandoned me. He has been healing my heart and the heart of our family since that time. But I have learned as this “time” goes by…he was there on August 3, 2004, he is here now, and he will ALWAYS be by my side….it is my perspective that changes.

    Thank you again for your words!
    Have a wonderful day!

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