1. If you could see me now, I would be tap dancing (complete with top hat and wand) and singing, "She's here, she's here, Sandy IS HERE!" because I am so, so glad that you shared these words with Soli Deo Gloria!

    Every time I sit down to draw a commissioned piece, the lies start pouring in — "Do you really think you can do this? What talent do you think you have? You will fail and the person will hate it. All those people that say they liked it were just lying." Yep. That's a lot of lies.

    And I literally just press through them to get to the other side because I KNOW God has asked me to do this and I know He has given me just the right amount of talent and that He directs people to me that will be blessed by my art.

    All of your points are so good — I have encountered them all at different points in my life. So, so good, my dear, sweet friend!

  2. Sandy,
    So glad you linked up today!

    Different times and situations bring out different lies. The lies I've been hearing? "Really, you think you are called to do that? Much, much too big for you. Oh, and by the way, it's been done bigger and better than you can."

    We all have lies that plague us, don't we? Nice meeting you.

  3. I think we all hear that voice at one time or another. I know I do. Everytime I start to write something, everytime I start to hit the "post" button, I hear it telling me, mocking me that I'm no writer, I will make a fool of myself, that no one will be interested. But I've learned to smile and pick up the pen any way, to hit the post button anyway, because I know God has called me to this too, and if the words are only for Him, it is worth it.
    He's even trying to talk to me through this comment, but here I go. . .SEND!;)
    (visiting from Jen's place)

  4. Sandy, your post is full of wisdom. In case the voices continue…you are a great mother and a great wife. The kids and I are blessed because of you. Love, Jon

  5. Thank you for these suggestions. I have to admit that I need them now more than ever. I am at a point now where my kids are in college and I feel God calling me to step out in ministry but there are so many voices in my head. So many mixed signals and lies of failure and insecurity

  6. What an incredible post. Thank you for sharing. Those lies kill me. "You're not good enough" I hear regularly. Great to remember how great our God is — thanks for bringing that to the forefront of my mind. LInking up at Tuesdays Unwrapped. Blessings.

  7. Ahh I finally managed to plop down to my pc and soak up your words.
    Awesome post. What an awesome goal to set and completly life changing!
    We are all pretty similar in our struggles aren't we!
    Thanks for outlining your precious jems =)

  8. Why are the lies we tell ourselves so much easier to believe than God's truth? I guess because all that He planned for us to be will not be complete until Heaven. Many times I have to remind myself of His truths, like the ones you've listed here, until my thoughts are transformed and my heart renewed . . . Thanks for sharing this great post! Blessings!

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