1. I needed this today! Feeling unbalance! My closet, well my whole bedroom is literally trashed, shopping not done, sink full, sick kid at home and I am at work struggling with my responsiblities. Thanks for the reassuring!

  2. Sandy,
    I think so much of life is choosing what are we going to do with our time. We know we will never get to all that we want to get to. Something will not get done or will not get done well. So we must choose where our precious time is spent. Hopefully it is spent on things that support those we love like your doing the laundry or moving clothes around or making awesome looking cup cakes. Different things will occupy that top slot in your life at different points in your life. Now I am sure your children require your efforts. Ken Levine said “we all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.” Life is an unstable surface and I think you do a great job staying balanced on the unstable surface because you choose to do the right things.

    1. Awww….Thanks, Mark. I keep telling myself that this season is unique with the kinds of things that eat up large chunks of my time. Someday this season will end and balance will mean something completely different. For me, most important aspect of balance is being exactly where God has you, doing your best to use your gifts and talents to serve others and glorify God. And for me right now, that means a lot of laundry and cooking. 🙂

  3. Wish I had told you this last week……we made apple cupcakes for Noah’s class in September. They were easy. Red sugar, mint leaves, and pretzel sticks. However they were NOT as nice as yours. So good job!
    I am having an unbalanced day. After 3 months of back pain and physio, I am seeing my personal trainer today in less than an hour for the first time since the beginning of August. But of course my nerve pain in my leg has been worse this weekend then it has in weeks. Then my son’s bus didn’t show up this morning, so I had to drive him in my pj’s the 30 mins it takes there and back, come home, wolf down breakfast, pack my gym bag, and try to convince my 3 yr old to leave the house again when his favourite cartoon is on. And my leg hurts. Yet I still make time for you. While wolfing down breakfast. I still need to get dressed. And brush my teeth. And comb my hair. And drive the 20 mins to the gym. And sign Ryan in to the playroom (which he already informed me he does not want to go to today). Before my appointment. In 48 minutes. I gotta go!

  4. Sandy,
    Those cupcakes look so perfect… how did you do it and how did you get the cupcakes to not topple in that pan?
    Love the updates on the family and have a sneak peek at your life.

  5. There are so many things I want to write! Those cupcakes are gorgeous! My oldest did a cupcake decorating demo for a class too, and each kid had the chance to do their own cupcake. Hilarious. I wrote about it if you want a giggle (at least, I hope it would make you giggle…I thought it was funny 😉 ). http://fivewalkers.com/a-recipe-for-disaster/2012/10/23/my-cup-runneth-over.html
    I wrote the other day on your post about loss how relevant it was. I haven’t lost anything lately in particular, but some of the stuff you wrote applies to just everyday life, relating. I don’t do that very well a lot of the time. I’m trying to learn though. (Old dog…new tricks? Yes, it’s hard.)
    The picture is so precious. I know that made his day!
    Your carpet made me laugh. I’m a germaphobe, but my house is so gross! It’s not our germs that gross me out! haha My mom makes fun of our car because it’s so…icky. 🙂 I’ve tried to get better about that too.
    The Legos! They have completely taken over our son’s room. That creation of Elijah’s is amazing! There are always dead Lego guys around here. Some of them are actually casualties of Eliana’s. 🙂
    Planting seeds…that’s what we can hope for, right? 🙂

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