1. I love your priorities! I'm with you….when all else is raging I know I can at least anchor myself in the Word and keep my family and myself healthy! We try our best to eat together every night. It is just the perfect time to all gather and reset! Our daughter is only 3 but I want to treasure these times!

  2. I agree with Nancy, those are an important top 3! You're so right that it's all about priorities, we can make it happen if we want it bad enough! I have a very similar cooking philosophy, whole foods and cooking together/ eating together every night. It's really important to me, and I hope it pays off for my daughter as well!

  3. You are so right! When those three priorities are out of whack, so am I. When they are going well, so am I.
    And the minute I mentioned that I needed to have those three things in order (Jesus time/exercise/eating healthy)was the minute everything went to h***, so to speak.
    But I am back with my priorities, more convinced than ever of how much I need discipline of this kind. Great post!

  4. Your priorities are great. I would say I tend to those most days as well. I'm amazed at how much effort these really take (no complaints, just an observation) so I guess I don't need to feel guilty if I don't get a whole lot more done!

  5. I grew up eating whole foods and everybody helped in the kitchen and we all ate together almost every night. So now I cherish that. I am glad you are keeping up the tradition. I think family time is very important!

    PS LOVE the white board!

  6. This post could have been written by me about me and my family. Amazing how much we have in common.

    I am intentional about my priorities. I don't leave them up to chance.

    Oh I could write a whole post on projecting an image of perfection not only virtually but in real life. I'm a recovering perfectionist that has, for the most part, found a balance between being perfect and accepting imperfection. So much happier for it. I look back at the time wasted on my never ending quest for perfection and the good things missed because it was never good enough. With that said, I still find that it's so easy, if I allow it, to fall into the comparison trap. Ugh!

    As you can tell by my lengthy comment, thought provoking post Sandy 🙂

  7. I wish more families made it a priority to cook and eat together at home. It is such a good thing for health and family. I have recently found some fast and healthy new recipes in a magazine called Clean Eating (Jan/Feb was crock pot edition and had some good stuff i loved the Thai Chicken Taco's) and I love the 5 minute artisan bread too(I took a class to learn how imnpressive you could figure it out from the recipe!)I make up all kinds of flavors roasted garlic, peperoni pizza, kalamata olives but the kids love it "plain" too!

  8. Sandy, I was at Sarah's parenting carnival and this foodie of course clicks on the mama who has cooking in the title.

    I cannot tell you how much your priorities align with my priorities. I was just telling my daughter's OT (occupational therapist) about all the "things" in which a mother can do to "keep house," not including when your child has special needs. I went on to say, "if I know I've provided my family with nutritious meals, I feel as though I've accomplished my job for the day."

    What you wrote is my heart and you put it into words so well. It's that we count it a privilege to cook, incorporating our children into the learning process. My five year old (then four) exclaimed at our gym's barbecue, "Oh mama! They have brussels sprouts! I'm so excited to eat brussels sprouts!" Love those moments, or when she packs kalamata olives as one of her snacks for preschool. Again thank you!

  9. This post really resonates with me! First, I think it's so important to be vulnerable and transparent on our blogs – I think it's what makes us beautiful! Perfect women scare me. 🙁

    And I have thought the same way about cooking for my family. People ask if I love to cook, and I almost always respond that I just love to nourish my family. It's so nice to hear from another woman who feels the same. (I even have the same magnetic menu planner! I love Target!)

  10. In addition to all the ways you mentioned that you work to instill an appreciation for real food, I also like taking the kids grocery shopping one-on-one. This allows them a chance to hear some of my reasoning for selecting/not selecting certain foods and also gives them the opportunity to be involved in choosing healthy snacks. This Saturday my youngest came with me and chose pineapple, cantaloupe, pomegranate seed, organic yogurt and lavash. Not bad.

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