1. Um, ewww. I need to go scrub my eyes with soap.

    Agree on the rest of the post; once i was able to actually read it for fear of seeing other random pictures of mutilated rodents.

    Your permanently scarred friend Lindsey

  2. Just stumbled onto your blog this evening and found myself laughing aloud at that picture! So GROSS! i was laughing because I love to workout and that is EXACTLY the kind of stuff that happens to me…and I'm so glad it wasn't me! and, I actually had a similar experience this past summer- my sister and I were having a playdate and she brought a bouncy chair up from her basement for my 6 mo. old…suddenly we both looked down and saw a brown fuzzy foot, screamed and threw the chair back down the basement steps for her husband to deal with– Gross, gross!! Thanks for the laugh!

  3. Girl. There is HALF of a dead mouse stuck to your weight.

    LOL! LOL! LOL! I hate mice. We have had a few around our house, too – and I scream like a girl every time I see one. I don't know what I would do if I saw HALF of a dead one. Oh my goodness, bless your heart!

    So you have a personal trainer AND you are doing P90X!?! You are a beast, Sandy! Whooooo!

    That whole hot chocolate with the kids thing sounds good….I think I might whip up some tonight and watch It's a Wonderful Life 🙂

    I appreciate you…and your blog! Thanks for being such a great motivator 🙂

    Love and Hugs,
    Kate 🙂


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