1. "Anxiety is a real problem for Perfectionists" … that line really jumped-out at me as I'm currently doing the Joyce Meyer Bible study, "Be Anxious for Nothing". (Isn't that a great title?!)

    Joyce says, "I had to learn that even if everything did not always work out exactly as I wanted it to, it would not be the end of the world." That's it! It's not the end of the world.

  2. I can't wait to read the wisdom of how to deal with a Perfectionist Boss. I had a similar situation myself. I finally had to quit the job. BTW, I'm an accountant. I think 'accountant' and 'perfectionist' are synonymous.

  3. i've actually heard the "stop being ridiculous" from my darling hubby. i tried sending him a link to your blog so he could get inside my head, but i think he gave up after part 2 😉

  4. Great quote – “Perfectionism is slow death”

    How freeing to know that not only can we NOT be perfect, we don't have to be. God loves us as we are. Great series of posts.

    And I still have people reading your guest post from a couple of weeks ago.

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