Freedom From Perfection, Part 4: Procrastination
By February (!) Jon had had enough. He was sick of walking through our front door to be greeted by a mountain. He was sick of side-stepping presents every time he headed to the kitchen. He took matters into his own hands and moved all the gifts from the dining room into the basement. He opened most of them in transit, disposing of wrapping paper and envelopes at random. He took out a few of the more useful kitchen gadgets and put them in cupboards and drawers. He performed this atrocity without my permission, I might add. And then he went about his day as if he had done nothing wrong.
I was devastated. And paralyzed. He was forcing me to deal with the mountain of wedding gifts, yet I had no idea how to tackle the project if I could not do it perfectly and completely, from start to finish. I honestly did not know how to do anything, if I could not do it perfectly.
This, my friends, was the absolute height of my perfectionism. And probably the most vivid description of how my little dysfunctional-perfectionist-brain worked at the time. Putting off projects indefinitely was the way I approached everything big (hundreds of wedding gifts) and small (a sink full of dishes). If I couldn’t do it perfectly from beginning to end, I couldn’t do it at all.
Most of you perfectionists already know this, but I’ll go ahead and say it out loud: Perfectionism leads to Procrastination.
I don’t know if it’s the most detrimental problem with perfectionism, but I do know it’s highly debilitating. As perfectionists, we fear starting projects we can’t finish or can’t do well. We have piles of this and mounds of that lying around our houses. We put off writing thank you notes and Christmas cards. We delay a phone call if we can’t sit down for a full hour and catch up. And we are acutely aware of each and every untouched pile, unwritten card and un-dialed phone call. So, along with our perfectionism and procrastination, we carry two accessory burdens: stress and guilt.
I still struggle with perfection in many areas of my life, but I am so thankful that I’ve really grown when it comes to procrastination. Though it still is quite unnatural to me, I’ve acquired some tools along the way to help me break the perfection/procrastination/stress/guilt cycle. Not the least of which was marrying a man who has nary a shred of perfectionism in his handsomely athletic body. He’s been a great balance to my dysfunction.
Come back next time, and I’ll share some strategies that work for me, including my most favoritest anti-procrastination tool ever.
What giant project have you avoided/are you avoiding because you can’t find the time to do it perfectly?
This is so me.
And the guilt thing…that's huge. It drives me crazy.
I'm putting off our garage. It's gonna be a huge task – to organize it. And I want it done all in one shot…in one day…or more like 2 hours. Why am I like this? My husband isn't that way AT ALL. Thank the Lord.
Can't wait to read about your strategies for overcoming it all.I need them.
Love and blessings,
Kate 🙂
A great example of perfectionism. I'll be back for your tip to get past procrastination.
Can't wait to read your follow-up. I am a woman with a perfectionist husband, whereas I'm a "get 'er dun" kind of gal. Balance, people, we all need balance!
Thanks for the great description, bald honesty and real insight into the struggles of perfectionism!
I gasped OUT LOUD when I read that Jon dared to move that pile AND had the gall to unwrap them and mess with the cards. Ohmygoodness! Ahem, I might have a slight problem with perfectionism myself.
Great line, btw, "Perfectionism leads to procrastination." I'm pretty sure that statement can directly relate to my struggle with weight loss (or lack thereof). If I can't do it all at once and perfectly, I put off even trying…
Isn't it just amazing how God puts together 2 people so that they can start us on that refining process??
great post . . . great story . . . great pictures.
Oh Girrrrlllll, you do not want the list. You do not. And you must be inside my brain today. Let's talk soon. Please…
oh BOY!!! Can I get an AMEN!!! I am soo with you. Just the other day… I wanted my day to "flow" "just so"… and it wasn't… so I was procrastinating doing the things I needed to get done… because i was all "fouled up" from the day not going exactly how I had planned it!!! Can't wait for your tips!!!