1. This is so me.

    And the guilt thing…that's huge. It drives me crazy.

    I'm putting off our garage. It's gonna be a huge task – to organize it. And I want it done all in one shot…in one day…or more like 2 hours. Why am I like this? My husband isn't that way AT ALL. Thank the Lord.

    Can't wait to read about your strategies for overcoming it all.I need them.

    Love and blessings,
    Kate 🙂

  2. Can't wait to read your follow-up. I am a woman with a perfectionist husband, whereas I'm a "get 'er dun" kind of gal. Balance, people, we all need balance!

    Thanks for the great description, bald honesty and real insight into the struggles of perfectionism!

  3. I gasped OUT LOUD when I read that Jon dared to move that pile AND had the gall to unwrap them and mess with the cards. Ohmygoodness! Ahem, I might have a slight problem with perfectionism myself.

    Great line, btw, "Perfectionism leads to procrastination." I'm pretty sure that statement can directly relate to my struggle with weight loss (or lack thereof). If I can't do it all at once and perfectly, I put off even trying…

  4. oh BOY!!! Can I get an AMEN!!! I am soo with you. Just the other day… I wanted my day to "flow" "just so"… and it wasn't… so I was procrastinating doing the things I needed to get done… because i was all "fouled up" from the day not going exactly how I had planned it!!! Can't wait for your tips!!!

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