1. This was beautiful….peace was the message topic this morning at church, so I have received a double portion of God’s Word concerning the only real peace. Blessings to you, Sandy!

  2. Thanks, Sandy. Peace is a difficult concept for us today in this world, I think. Especially the peace of God… it goes beyond our modern understanding of peace. The world cannot give…
    It’s very encouraging to read that GOD CAN.

    Bless you!
    P.S. Love the prayer at the end!

  3. What sweet and precious truths from His Word! I do not even know how I EVER made it in the years of my life when I was not relying on Him or His Word. I NEED His Word!!!

    This post is beautiful…and I love how you are humbly allowing Him to use such a deeply painful part of your life to minister His hope to others.

    Oh…and I love, love, love the idea of Jesus being the umpire of my thoughts! I’m gonna have to meditate on that one some more!

    SOOOO glad to have “met” you all because of your post on Holly. 🙂


  4. Beautiful post! I LOVE all the versus. I will be putting a lot of these on index cards!

    I strive for peace and contentment in my life, yet I feel guilty about it because I haven’t encounter near the heartache and storms that you have. This is a big struggle of mine, and I’m slowing trying to hand it over to God!

  5. Such a precious post, Sandy. It actually goes right along with the P31 devo that is running today (Tues).

    All of the verses you posted spoke volumes to me. And I totally love this:

    “It was as if God built an actual fortress around my mind, protecting it from the Enemy.”

    Awesome. I’m taking that one with me.

    I’m so blessed by your blog,
    Kate 🙂

  6. Such wonderful wisdom. I struggle so much at night as I fall asleep with my thoughts and will take your advice starting tonight. What a beautiful way to fall asleep, reciting God’s word!

  7. Sweet friend – I have to skim over all this because if I don’t I will start crying and I am afraid I will never stop.

    But oh, what glory you are bringing to God Sandy – what glory you are bringing to his holy name –

    love you.


  8. Sandy,
    I am slowly making my way through your God Speaks Through the Storm series. I can only do a few at a time because I always end up crying.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences. I have recommended your blog to the ladies in my bible study. We are beginning the study of James and last week I gave them the quote that your friend Patty quoted about real faith. That really stuck with me.

    May God bless you!

    P.S. Thank you for leaving a comment for me on my blog. Boy, was I surprised.

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