1. I just about fell out of my chair this morning when I opened up the Proverbs 31 blog today and saw your post!!


    Guess what I woke up to study on today?? 🙂

    “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15, 16).

    Love you!

  2. Loved the devotion! And congratulations!

    Such a great reminder to Christian wives and moms. I think we daily need to submit our to-do lists to the Lord…and let Him re-write them!

    I love how the Lord used your daughter! Beautiful! (my 1st published devo was about how the Lord used my daughter to speak to me, too!)

    Enjoy your special day today! May He be glorified!

  3. LOVE your devo. So, very good. I’m sure you are speaking to people all over the globe girl. Now, I have to get off the computer and make hot chocolate with my little one. Smiles…

    Thanks for being such a faithful commenter on my blog. I look forward to seeing what you have to say everyday~

  4. Very convicting…I often do not make good use of my time, and I wonder how my kids would describe me.
    Thanks for this excellent reminder, and congrats on Proverbs 31! Way to go!
    Bless you,

  5. Hey Sandy..
    I didn’t read my email devotion today, but I went to your blog and there it was..how timely! That is me you wrote about. I feel like such a failure sometimes. I often tell my husband how “he should parent”..because “they aren’t little long”…and its just a slap in my face..I’ve got work to do myself! My heart is heavy..its been heavy all weekend..I need major quiet time and want to get away from here for it..but its not an option. I pray I will use my time wisely (your comment about checking email 10 times a day hit home) and get my butt up early to be w/ God..and my treadmill!
    So glad to have “met” you!

  6. Congrats on being published by P31! What a great honor. I found you by your message on Lysa’s sight, but had wanted to find you after reading it. It was awesome!

    Congrats again! May you continue to reach women though your writing and God’s love.

  7. Hey Sandy; how cool to have this published on Proverbs 31! And I saw Lysa’s comment so you know she’s reading. I didn’t realize you went to She Speaks. I’ll email you later.

    It’s so easy to get caught up in activities that are good. But I do believe that when we submit to God’s will and leading we do our best because He’s the one empowering us. Such a wonderful reminder to be a Mary in a Martha world.

    This is a great post Sandy. A big hug to you!

  8. Your post totally spoke to my heart today. Just the other day, my son was telling his friend: “My mommy never spends time with me.” I suddenly thought, “Hey, we’re together all the time.” God showed me this morning through your post that even though I’m spending time around him, I’m not spending time with his heart. Thank you for this wonderful post.

    Blessings! Heaven

  9. Wanted to visit here yesterday, but never made it over…oh no…does that mean I’m too busy :o)

    Anyway, just wanted to let you know your devotional was the talk of a small group of women at my Bible study this morning. I was sitting with “young mom’s” this morning and one gal asked me if I had read the P31 devotional yesterday and then she shared with me how your words had spoken to her heart.

    You may never know the number of hearts you encouraged yesterday with your authenticity. I have a girlfriend who’s children used to write her messages while she was on the phone just to find time to ‘talk’ to their mom. She described their house as more of an airline strip where she flew in and out every day, but never really ‘landed’ and spent time with her family.

    Thanks for sharing your heart. You are a blessing,

  10. Congrats on the P31 published devotion.. which is wonderful, of course, and right on with where I’m at in raising girls! It’s so hard to balance chores and quality time with kids, but my 2 year old loves doing dishes with me, so today I found myself encouraging her to help me with the clean ones and then sending her off to her own kitchen where we each did the dirty ones on our own… maybe a lesson there, eh?

    I didn’t know you were a She Speaks Graduate. Me, too! 2007 and 2008 When did you attend?

    And yes, sign me up for the Fitness Friday thing, too! My six weeks postpartum is this week and then back to the grind… my hubby and I are considering the Nashville marathon this spring. shandadoughman@gmail.com

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