1. Very nice story, great point. God cares about our littlest desires. we have two cats and I can relate. I wish we did not have our cats but they are so loving, just more work.

  2. I loved this post! Good for you! Being ready to say “yes” to even a seemingly strange request from God! His ways are definitely not our ways! BTW my littlest one LOVES cats. She used to pray (when she was 3 and 4) that God would let her grow up to be a kitty! No joke! Sweet post! Sweet pics!

  3. I think it is high time I figure out what the deepest desires of my heart are and ask Jesus for them. If only to reclaim that faith of a child!!!

    Loved your post…

    not so much love for cats! :o)

  4. oohhh Sandy, my prayer after reading your post today is PULEEEZZZEEE God, do not ask me to say YES to a Cat!! :0)
    Blessings lady,

  5. What a fantastic story! Got me smiling this morning.
    My girls want a puppy…they beg us for one all the time. We’re saying no. Too expensive. Whatever this thing is, this YES thing of yours, complete with dreams, don’t rub it off on me, okay?? 🙂 No puppies!!

  6. Oh, how I remember the “poop juice”. I’m actually cracking up as I write this. I KNOW it has to be God for you to say “yes” to another cat.
    However, I did tear up when you wrote about Rebekah thanking Jesus for her. That’s so sweet.
    Well, I wish you all the best and I hope Oreo let’s you do your future thank you cards without leaving her “signature”. ha ha (still laughing).
    Love you!

  7. WOW!

    I love it! How crazy! That is one of the coolest stories I’ve heard in a real long time!

    My little one is currently interested in having a pet fish 🙂 We actually have a bowl full of water in his room with a toy fish floating in it – lol. It will do for now – but we are thinking of buying a real one soon 🙂

    Such a neat story! Thanks for sharing!

    Enjoy Oreo!

    Kate 🙂

  8. It is so crazy, but God sent me a cat this past fall, just as he sent you one! I know it was God who sent it because I am adamantly not a cat person. We are a no pet family and planned on staying that way. All this being said by someone who spent 30 minutes one night before Christmas trying to get a cute picture of the kitty in front of the Christmas tree. I am convinced that God sent her to remind me of his idea of peace, which is my word for the year. Enjoy your kitty!

  9. Hey Sandy!
    I am new to your blog, but it is one of my favorites! I love the story and love the message. Makes me think of Matthew 10;29 just replace sparrow with cat! 🙂

    What a great tool to teach your children about the LORD’s love!

    Enjoy your new kitty!

  10. Well, I can certainly relate to your cat tales… I have 2 dogs and wee wee pads, clorox cleaner every day so my house doesn’t smell like one giant urinal.

    What I love most is that God is so cool that He is so “on target” with our needs. This is an encouragement that if God is in tune with the desires of the heart of a little girl who longs for a pet to cuddle with, He is also in tune with the desires of a big girl.

    May God continue to show us His presence and His good thoughts towards us!

    And may He bless you with a litter box trained cat!

  11. This is just way too cute! I kept meaning to stop back and read more of your posts and I’m glad to start with this one. It says much about you as a person and I like your heart. And yes, how special that your little girl is smiling and thanking Jesus. 🙂

  12. LOL I am secretly the cat lady in my soul but we had two badly behaved cats that had to go…now my daughter is begging for a puppy or a kitty and all I can say is I’ve been cleaning up poop for too many years. We have a new baby coming next week, so at least two more years of poop. I have told her that POSSIBLY when the youngest baby (she prophesied her brother and this baby girl, and has also predicted another baby after this one) has been potty trained for a YEAR we will CONSIDER another pet. Oh how I want another kitty to love… but oh how I paid way too much for this house for it to become a litter box. I feel your pain and your joy all at once. May God bless this kitty’s potty habits.

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