1. Oh Sandy, I hope I'm the first to comment on this post. Way to go! I know the rejection wasn't something you wanted but it really was uplifting. They recognize your talent so that's great. They could have just sent a form letter but they took the time to tell you why.

    Have you heard of Terry Whalin? He's local in my area but represents many writers. I could email you info if you're interested. Google him and check him out.

    Love you and will keep praying,

  2. Both of your letters from the publishing companies were written with such thoughtfulness. I LOVE THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE.

    Don't you just wonder what God is stirring up and where you special book will end up!

    I can't wait to see.

  3. I say congrats! Hey, I know that the Lord is going to open that door WIDE open when the right person gets ahold of that book. Just keep giving Him the glory and He will direct your path. So proud of you! Way to go! (this is the cheerleader in me) 🙂

  4. This is awesome news. Thanks for letting us learn right along with you. You DO have a spark to your writing. That's why I read your blog and will number in those who can say "I knew Sandy when…"

  5. Yippee & Yeee-Haw! That's Texas for Yay and congratutlations! Thanks for letting all of us share in your journey! Love you and just couldn't be prouder of you, girl!

  6. Fantastic, Sandy!! I am jumping up and down for you right now. It's just one step closer for you. I'm thrilled.

    And when you come to Chicago for the pub. review board or whatever they call that when you sit around a table with everyone throwing questions at you, I will take you to lunch somewhere really swanky and we'll celebrate.

    So happy for you, my friend!!!

  7. Sandy, that's so good to hear (well, you know what I'm sayin'!) For what it's worth, I would choose your book over someone else's because of your humor and writing style. Your blog has top appeal on my list!

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