1. Amen, sister!! I am right with you on this one. I would be a raving lunatic but not for the grace of God!! Have you ever heard the song, "The Only Thing" by Ronnie Freeman. Totally my life song!! Here's a link to it:

  2. whoa! Girl, you have no idea, this is EXACTLY where I have been in the word….I cannot live apart from Him, I need Him, He is it, each step of this walk here on earth.Thanks again, brains thinking alike one more time!

  3. Thank you Sandy! This is a reminder to me that I will not do things right if I don't get in His word more often. I recall feeling like I was a good person and see more and more what a mess I am. God can be the icing on the cake or He can be the batter! For me, there would be nothing to icing without Him.

  4. I read this this morning and I've been thinking about it all day. Very well said. Thank you for sharing your heart and being so transparent.

  5. Psalm 63 . . . one of my very favorites! Thank you God for speaking this to me again today. "My Soul Thirst for you – My Body ached for you!!! My daily bread – manna for my soul, mind, body . . . Jesus . . . Abba Father. I NEED you daily – hourly – moment by moment."
    Fill me Lord. Amen.
    PS. Forgive me for yelling at my dogs during my 'quiet time' this morning. 🙁 O, I need Thee every hour.

  6. I am with you on this! I am desperate for God in my life. I recognize that I am nothing apart from Him. Let us not be ashamed to say so. Let us cling to Him more and more!

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