Interesting Articles About Diet
Looking for today’s diet news TODAY? Look no further. Well, actually, you need to look a little further, because you’ll have to click on the links below. Here are a few recent articles on diet I found particularly interesting. Enjoy!!
If you are struggling with losing weight (not that I know ANYTHING about that), you may be surprised or maybe even relieved to know, it’s more complicated than we once thought.
“Weight loss is a complex science and there’s a lot we still don’t know. But, the good news is scientists are definitely getting better at cracking the fat riddle.” This article gives some great tips, backed up by some decent research.
How many calories do you eat in a day? How many calories do you burn in a day? How many calories do you need to cut from your diet in order to lose weight? Now available for I-Phone/I-Pod Touch users: a free app that helps you calculate it all at the touch of a button—or touch screen. What ever. Apparently, it’s very effective…and addictive. I suppose there are worse things to be addicted to (bad grammar, sorry). I just bought Jon an I-Pod Touch for his birthday. I think I might try this app.
The Loyalty Diet: A weight loss app could be the gold standard for building loyalty
“Diet improvement is a key in battling cancer, because up to 40% to 60% of cancer risk is determined by your diet choices”
We’ve all heard that eating right reduces our risk of cancer, but we don’t always understand how that works. This article breaks it down and explains why and how eating and avoiding certain foods helps your body remain cancer-free. I found this information fascinating. But I’m weird that way.
Fighting Cancer? Diet is the place to start
“Diet fads and weight loss centers are on the rise as the traditional Chinese diet of vegetables and rice in many cases has been expanded, adding meat, oil and plenty of sugary snacks and drinks available at fast food chains and neighborhood shops dotting city corners.” Read about China’s obesity problem, the causes and the solutions (can you say state-mandated exercise programs?). I suppose if there is an up-side to Communism, state-mandated exercise programs would be it.
With Wealth Comes Fat, China Finds
Speaking of Communism…don’t forget to vote today!!!