1. I'm not a big resolutions person, mainly because they get such a bad rap by the third week of January. But I do like to set goals (maybe just a simple word for resolution!)

    I'm "goaling" this year to:

    Slow down – I tend to get over-hyper over lots of things. Burns alot of calories, but also lots of mental and emotional stamina that's needed for other things.

    Stop comparing myself/family/situation/issues with others….like you wrote, there are only so many hours in the day and with the family committments/time, there just isn't room for alot more right now. And I want to savor up these years because I know how quickly they are gone and I don't want to have regrets!

    That said, I'm still working out other manageable goals because though I'm one busy mama, I want to make a difference!

    Glad you're back…I missed you too!

  2. You are a New Year's Resolution setting pro! Awesome! I feel all inspired now!!!

    How do I set my goals for a new year? I pray! And I look at all the areas in my life that need a little tweaking…a little more time/attention…a little more organization!

    Like you…I enjoy goal setting. Clean slates. Planning. It gets me all pumped 🙂

    I hope you are having a wonderful week, Sandy!

    Love and blessings to you,
    Kate 🙂

  3. I have always loved setting goals and I think you and I probably think alike in this area. I usually have different categories: Time for God, Time for family, Time for my marriage, Time for health etc.

    This year, I am coming off a long season that has been difficult and I am not setting any traditional goals. (I know I will have some in my head . . . I just can't help it.) I am trying for more BEING and less DOING. This is the opposite of my natural inclinationl.

    I'll link tomorrow, with my past of what I am doing this year instead.

    Can't wait to read yours.

    We missed you,

  4. Love talking about goals, plans and thoughts for the new year….well all year really. Have you ever read Anne Ortlund's book….Gentle Ways of A Beautiful Woman? Wonderful book. She is all about goal setting, organization and decluttering. It is an older book, but filled with many gems of Godly wisdom.

    Looking forward to your post on Wednesday!

  5. Funny you should mention your husband "rolling his eyes" cause that's what I'm NOT supposed to do this new year. My husband doesn't even know I do this but the Lord does and that's what He impressed upon me to do… or Not do!

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