1. Thanks to you, both our boys were tested at birth. But, I had to ask for it to be done because it wasn't part of the normal routine.

    Noah had the best smile and was such a little love bunny.


  2. I'm so very sorry for your loss. We are the "lucky" ones to have the most common metabolic disorder – PKU. The first disorder to lead the way with Newborn Screening.

    Thank you so very much for this post – I am going to link to you right now. This is so very, very important, and I think that OBs do not stress the importance of the tests enough.

    Testing has come a long way, but there are so many people left to educate. Linking away…

  3. So sorry to read about your little baby. I gave birth to my son almost 25 years ago. I never asked about the test because I never knew about it until I saw them do it on my son. That is when I learned about it. The hospital did it as a routine. Thank God.

  4. Thank you, and thank you to Em where I found your link. My baby is due in January, and I will be sure that the tests are done. I know it saved my neices life, as she was born with Cystic Fibrosis which was discovered much the same way.

  5. Thank you again for sharing your life to help others. This is a very important issue. My first baby had an abnormal PKU six years ago and was later diagnosed with Thalassemia. We have been very blessed and his symptoms are few and manageable, and our other kids have tested negative. I know that God gives us challenges and strengthens us through them, but whatever knowledge we can gain to guide us through can help give peace.


  6. Hi Sandy,

    Sorry to hear about the baby, here in India it is still not part of the normal routine to do newborn screening. Though there are some excellent labs available to do genetic disorder testing. Parents need to specifically ask for newborn screening to be conducted.

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