Weekend Links {7}
Welp, I’ve spent the entire week S-C-R-U-B-B-I-N-G every last inch of my house to prepare it for potential home-buyers. At one point, I was wiping the dust off the cleaning products on the top shelf of my laundry room. I don’t mess around when I clean. For the last two nights, I’ve slept with my hands saturated in Burt’s Bees Hand Salve, in an attempt to counteract the accelerated aging process that excessive cleaning brings.
Yesterday, the professional photographer came, and for a brief moment in time, my home looked like a magazine spread. It was so perfectly fake.
Neeless to say, my reading and writing time has been minimal.
The for-sale sign is in the yard now…let the games begin! (Pray for a quick sale so I don’t have to maintain this museum-like dwelling for very long).
Hope your weekend is any BUT “perfectly fake.”
Why the Modern World is Bad for Your Brain by Neuroscientist Daniel J Levitin. Absolutely fascinating article about multitasking, email, texting and the effects these all have on the brain. Turns out, the effects of all this technology on your brain is worse than smoking pot. Who knew?
On Becoming a Writer, By Jen Hatmaker If you are a writer or a wannabe writer, THIS is your post. It’s so encouraging and real and funny. I think I shall print it out and read it every day.
You’re Never Going to Be Fully Ready, by Shauna Neiquist via Storyline Blog. Let’s just agree that every time Shauna writes something, I will probably link you to it. This is so me this year. Everything feels shaky and different and uncertain and insufficient. But I’m moving forward…because forward motion brings stability.
Even if You Exercise, Sitting Eight Hours a Day Significantly Increases Your Risk of Dying From Any Cause By Dr. James Mercola. This is alarming. The little video at the beginning of the article is a great summary of the ill-effects of too much sitting. But, I have yet to see the entire thing because it stops before it is finished. So go ahead and read the whole thing. Then GET UP FROM YOUR CHAIR AND MOVE!!!! Just kidding. (Not kidding).
Esther Gokhale is mentioned is the sitting article and I am a fan of hers. I followed her 8 Steps to a pain free back and changed the way I walk, sit, and stand. It was the best things I have ever done for my back. I continue to use what I learned everyday from the book and her video.
Here is her website:
Cool! I’ve never heard of her.