1. I will miss you as always, but wish a wonderful summer for you! And can’t wait to hear the follow up on some of the exciting things you mentioned!

    1. Thanks, Mindy. I’ll be around Facebook. I’ll see you there. 🙂

      Yes, the wisdom teeth will be especially exciting. I’ve been determined to keep them since they first told me I’d need them removed (I was 15 years old!) The last time I went to the dentist, she actually said to me, and I quote:”Well, we could wait until they rot and fall out…” And also, “Your teeth look fantastic. Except for the ones rotting in the back of your mouth.”

      Yeah…it’s time.

      This will be a fun summer. I’m excited.
      Talk to you soon, friend.

  2. Sandy,
    That is awesome to hear about your new home. I hope you have a great summer. I’ll look for you. Enjoy that vacation.

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