1. Sandy, I loved this particular post today. Not that I don't like your other posts on Fitness Friday but this one is something I've felt is so very true. Believe me, I'm not perfect in any way. But I think so many people ignore their health and make excuses. But you're so right; our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. So we are responsible for caring for them properly.

    I didn't see a linky so here's my contribution to Fitness Friday. Hmm …I might have to come back later and add another comment since right now it's 5 in the am and I'm not fully awake.


  2. Sandy, I loved this particular post today. Not that I don't like your other posts on Fitness Friday but this one is something I've felt is so very true. Believe me, I'm not perfect in any way. But I think so many people ignore their health and make excuses. But you're so right; our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. So we are responsible for caring for them properly.

    I didn't see a linky so here's my contribution to Fitness Friday. Hmm …I might have to come back later and add another comment since right now it's 5 in the am and I'm not fully awake.


  3. Sandy, you've touch a topic that's very close to my heart. I have been writing on my website about "Obesity in the Church" and the negative impact it has on our testimony. I once read this article that was posted on Calorie lab and all over the web titled "Lard have mercy: The Christian Obesity Epidemic" Of course I gave the author an earful for he was just being mean to Christians, but I'm sad to say that there is a lot of truth to this accusation, as you so gently pointed out. Thanks for being one of the people who encourages God's children to step up and change, Sandy. I am asking God daily to help me change and make good choices for the sake of my health, my family and my testimony…

  4. Sandy, you've touch a topic that's very close to my heart. I have been writing on my website about "Obesity in the Church" and the negative impact it has on our testimony. I once read this article that was posted on Calorie lab and all over the web titled "Lard have mercy: The Christian Obesity Epidemic" Of course I gave the author an earful for he was just being mean to Christians, but I'm sad to say that there is a lot of truth to this accusation, as you so gently pointed out. Thanks for being one of the people who encourages God's children to step up and change, Sandy. I am asking God daily to help me change and make good choices for the sake of my health, my family and my testimony…

  5. Sandy, after I read your post, I had to go spray some Febreeze in my house, straighten things up and wash a few dishes.

    I totally get where you are coming from. Our Bodies are the Temple of the HOly Spirit. I remember a many years ago, I was talking to my mom about that in this particular context. And how if our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, shouldn't we be taking care of it? Of course, at that time, she was eating the fat drippings on the frying pan with a piece of bread. She told me…."that verse is about sexual purity". And ate her piece of bread.

    Well, fast forward to a few years ago…my mom, dealing with high blood pressure and high cholestrol and diminishing bone density, and I were talking about how our bodies are the temple of the HOly
    Spirit and how as good stewards we should take care of what God has given us — and that includes our bodies.

    Definately true!!

    God has blessed us with these tents and I think that we should take care of them and honor God with the way we treat the temple of the Holy Spirit.

  6. Sandy, after I read your post, I had to go spray some Febreeze in my house, straighten things up and wash a few dishes.

    I totally get where you are coming from. Our Bodies are the Temple of the HOly Spirit. I remember a many years ago, I was talking to my mom about that in this particular context. And how if our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, shouldn't we be taking care of it? Of course, at that time, she was eating the fat drippings on the frying pan with a piece of bread. She told me…."that verse is about sexual purity". And ate her piece of bread.

    Well, fast forward to a few years ago…my mom, dealing with high blood pressure and high cholestrol and diminishing bone density, and I were talking about how our bodies are the temple of the HOly
    Spirit and how as good stewards we should take care of what God has given us — and that includes our bodies.

    Definately true!!

    God has blessed us with these tents and I think that we should take care of them and honor God with the way we treat the temple of the Holy Spirit.

  7. Your sandwich at Heart Choices, too yummy, definitely sandwich heaven! Thanks for challenging me today, to walk in health so I can serve our Lord with more zest, energy and life!

    Besitos (little kisses in Spanish),
    Sarah Dawn

  8. Your sandwich at Heart Choices, too yummy, definitely sandwich heaven! Thanks for challenging me today, to walk in health so I can serve our Lord with more zest, energy and life!

    Besitos (little kisses in Spanish),
    Sarah Dawn

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