1. Sandy, I’m so glad the Lord crossed our paths! First of all, love your adoption page. My sister adopted a little boy from Moldova and we learned a LOT in the process. Your resources are great.

    Second, the voice in my head is downright MEAN. I’ve heard all those things you listed and more. After all the accusations about what I’m NOT doing right, the mean voice tells me that I should just give up and do nothing. (All the while continuing the chorus of “you should be doing more!”)

    I love Maxwell’s leadership materials, and since his stuff is rooted in the Word, it’s easily transferred to our spiritual lives. Great advice on being our own cheerleader, especially when we learn to listen to the Holy Spirit cheer us on and encourage us!

    So glad to meet you. Have a great day!
    Susan in VA

    1. Susan,

      I am so glad to have found you, and thanks so much for stopping by! I can relate to your comment about your mean voice telling you to give up while at the same time telling you to do more. That’s so me.

      I am sure we will “talk” more.

  2. The voice in my head has two personalities. First it tells me to take care of myself, take a break, relax you deserve it, you work too hard, do too much for others, sometimes it’s okay to be a little selfish. Then, when I’m totally belie sing that, it hits be with the same list as you. It’s exhausting. And it makes me unproductive and guilty. Sigh.
    I’m glad I read this today. Thank you.
    And I’ll be praying for you too 🙂

    1. Kelly, my voice also tells me that whatever I’m doing is the wrong thing. It’s sort of a warped version of what you just said. You’re right–it is exhausting. Do you think women struggled with this BEFORE the internet? I mean, I wonder if half the problem is that we give this “voice” ammunition because we expose it to so much stimuli. And it makes us think we aren’t keeping up with everyone. You know what I’m sayin?

  3. My inner voice constantly created anxiety in me. I realized that God wanted me to live in peace with myself. I have been battling those messages for several weeks now, calling on God’s peace to cover those anxious thoughts.

  4. My inner voice is always trying to get me to quit and give up. I’ve started every time I hear it to say out loud, “I can take every though captive, and make it obedient to Christ” sometimes I just yell “shut up!” but only when I’m alone 🙂

    Your so right! If this was a friend or someone actually talking to us we wouldn’t stand for it! So we shouldn’t stand for it when it’s us either. There’s def a spiritual battle going on all around us.

  5. I’ve been trying to be more mindful of what plays through my head during the day. It’s so easy to be hyper-critical of EVERYTHING! When I know I’ve made a mistake, I’m trying to learn from it and not dwell and just let all the other static go. Easier said than done. Why, oh why is it so easy to be so negative?!?!?

  6. This is so rich. I am going to have to save it and come back to you. You did such a thorough job — I need to savor piece by piece and see how the Lord uses it. Will be sharing on Twitter under #sdgsisters hashtag because I think a lot of us have harsh inner monologues.

  7. You’re voice sounds like it went to the same school as the one in my head. This is a great post. Thank you for sharing! (Hope you love Breaking Free as much as I did — what a life changing study!).

  8. Sometimes I tell myself that I am not competent in some of the things I am in charge of at work; that if the smoke clears others will realize this if they don’t already. I tell myself at times that I do not have the discipline to walk away from things that ensnare me even knowing what they are. I tell myself that I am stupid for trying to make huge impacts in peoples lives that it really does not matter and they do not really care what I do…. I ask at times what do I have to show for myself.

    I do realize I will never measure up as Jesus is the plumb lime(Amos 7:8) but that does not mean I am not worthy. By one drop of Jesus’s blood I am worthy. He made me so. I know Jesus uses us flaws and all. For that I am thankful. He can make wonders out of my blunders. I need to continue to work on all areas of my life that I recognize can be improved but be satisfied if I have laid it out warts and all for God. Perfection is a myth well left alone.

    You do great things Sandy…. as you struggle through each day. Thanks for sharing.

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  10. Reading your inner voice was like listening to mine! Exactly!! I am built to want things to always look a certain way. Order and organization speaks to my soul. With 4 kids, that is not a reality. If I am to have my house a certain way, my kids perfect, my quiet time where it needs to be, all the chores caught up, stay in shape, be the perfect wife, etc , it is unattainable and exhausting and something I can never stop working toward. This puts me never stopping to relax and enjoy life because there is always something to do and I am always behind. I so needed this today!!!! Life is too short to listen to lies. Thank you so much for helping to open my eyes and ears.

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