1. My day? You've got to be kidding! It started off great: sleep in, go to mass, AND THEN find out that you have to find out your bank account will be $1500 overdrawn in one day because of an accidental overpayment to the IRS! After which, you learn that your savings account has been raided and totally depleted by your husband, whom you trusted with this money. Now, the thought of murder enters your head. And things went downhill from there. I blogged about it today, so will skip the details here. Time for time out! Do some listening. Let God talk…

  2. I enjoyed reading about your day Sandy. It's so different than mine but we both still struggle to really walk our talk and live a healthy lifestyle.

    When I was working as a nurse, I was always walking up and down stairs and not sitting for very long. Nowadays, I sit at my computer for hours all day and that's part of my dilemma to keep the weight off.

    I still do my exercise and try to eat healthy but I need to take breaks from the computer and walk around a bit.

    Maybe you should go to bed earlier but if the hubby gets home late you want to spend time with him too.

  3. Getting healthy isn't easy. I am on my second quest in my life to loose that 65 pounds. I am two pounds from what "everyone" wants me to weigh. I say about 10 to go. Eat well, love your family, and pray. That keeps us healthy. Blessings.

  4. I too try to workout in midmorning. Or 2pm. By both those times, my food has settled but I'm not bottoming out with hunger. I too put on 5 pounds this summer. Bleck! I'm trying to lose it, plus the 5lbs I'm eternally trying to lose by my 15 year reunion in October! Thanks for your day in the life!

  5. This was a great idea. I hadn't had time to do a research post for today, so when I saw your post I typed up my yesterday routine. And it's now up. This was a great idea!

  6. Thank you for sharing….I am new to this blogging thing and I have to admit…sometimes I don't have time nor do I want to read the new updates…but today something told me to read this one! Boy did I need it. The first week of a full week back to school and I feel as if times just flies by. My day starts at 5:30am and ends at about 11pm. All the way from getting ready for work and school..to soccer practices…to home…to homework….dinner…baths….and bed again. Oh and let's not forget the wonderful fights between all three kidos that happen..oh…about every five minutes. I have really felt overloaded with no time. Listening to your day…ahhh…I am normal!!!! Thank you so much!!! I really needed to know that I am not alone!!!

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