1. avoid wheat, dairy, soy?? Not sure if that is true with asthma (sp?) but I've heard it can help with sinus issues, allergies, etc. I LOVE kids dinner at your house – will have to try it here soon! How about "The Escape" for a new house name?!?!

    I can't wait to run/walk on the beach this summer! I too, love the ocean, not so much being IN it, but being RIGHT by it 🙂

  2. Mindy, my brother said he had a similar cough and it went away after giving up dairy.

    Like The Escape. Now, if only I could create an atomosphere that lives up to the name.

  3. I like the picture you took of Oreo drinking Bubble's water. And the name you gave it was flawless. 🙂 I think our house should be named "The Non-Bohemian" That would fit it just fine.

  4. Hi.
    Found your blog today and have enjoyed my visit!
    I wish you a great weekend!
    Please drop by my blog when you have time-would love to see you there!
    "Days Touched By Grace".

  5. Sandy, I love your blog. Truth and humor is a winning combination in my book. I am still laughing about your blogging/laundry comment from a few days ago. Your series on balance is superb.

    Thanks for all those early morning hours you give to blogging.

  6. Rollover minutes …. love it! OMG … I'm laughing so hard!

    Glad you clarified that the picture contained a whole wheat tortilla. At first glance it looked like olive loaf!!! (My dad used to buy that at Michael Tylinski's market in the Polish neighborhood on Saturdays. We also visited Rojak's and the pick-your-own-varieties-of-pop place.)

    Everyone with a lakefront property here actually has the name of their place next to their roadside mailbox. Hmmmmm……. "Just Beachy"?

  7. You are funny. Made me laugh.
    I have been itching like a crazy woman, dark undercircles, too (grayish) but I thought is was lack of sleep for so many months.
    I have no clue why my skin is so itchy but I was already beginning to think it could be an allergy.

  8. Sandy, my dear, I have been out of town for the better part of the past month, and I have missed you. I'm back now and was catching up on your posts and found this one absolutely HILARIOUS!! Only you could wake up with nothing to say and end up with a 2,000 word post. Love it, friend!!

  9. I'm more interested in the toddler/cancer hairdo. Mainly because I still have my hair…

    Serenity Now sounds like a place where AA meets.

    enough said.

  10. OMG! I am laughing so hard at this post!!

    How long did it take you to create your diner face? And your salon vist? I'd love to see a pic 🙂 LOL!

    Okay, this post was seriously hilarious. I had to show my husband and book mark it for when I need a good laugh.

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