1. Good post Sandy! Loved the story, and I agree with you about needing our church family. We need them so much!….especially if crisis hits. I love our church family, and don't know what we'd do without them. This is a good reminder for me to invest more time with my friends.

    Connie ~ Winnipeg

  2. Sandy,
    Came across your blog and realy enjoyed what you had to say. Isn't it so true..that when we as beleivers aer plugged in and refreshed by the love of other believers life's burden seems lifted somewhat. And the most beautiful part is it is a tangible reminder why God calls us to love. It makes us feel safe,secure,and at home in this foreign land.
    great post. llj

  3. I loved reading that story. A church friend and I were talking yesterday about the lack of warmth/love/
    connectedness in our church. Maybe we need a hurricane. Not really. But lovely that you and your friends were able to become closer through hardship.

  4. This is an amazing story. Thank you for sharing. I remembered when I faced similar difficulties in life. My loved ones – family, friends, & church has been really helpful. And that is right, no one will never feel alone when one is plugged into an authentic community of believers.

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