Ok, now to you, Sandy: I will try that cream of broccoli soup recipe. It's my fav!

    You're right about the weather. Who wants to lean over a steaming bowl of soup when they are sunburned in summer? Eek!

  2. Praise the Lord for answered prayer.

    I am linking today. Sorry it´s late again. I had it realing in my head. 😉

    That´s so awesome that you and your hubby are on such a great fitness journey together! May it continue till we are old and grey.

  3. This blog is what keeps me going throughout the week. Without Sandy in all her wisdom, I don't know what I'd do!!!

    How's that, Sandy?

    Do boxed soups count??? I make a mean boxed soup!!! ;o) Imagine Organic Creamy Butternut Squash Soup. Okay, I haven't tried it yet, but it's on my shelf waiting for just the right crisp air afternoon to try it!

    Oh, and way to go, Jon!

  4. Good for Jon! I have to go back and read your post from last week to get the details. But see that. Be careful what you pray for! LOL.

    I'm so glad to hear about this latest from the publisher. I will pray about this my friend.

    I'm going to try at least one of these soup recipes this week. Both of them look good and low in calories. My old standby is gazpacho but it's just not the best one if your weather is cold. In Phoenix, I eat gazpacho all year round.

  5. What good news!

    It's awesome that your husband is into getting so fit. My husband did a few P90X workouts with me and really liked it, but he likes going to the gym every morning.

    I also posted.

  6. Hi Sandy,
    I am so excited for you about your pending book deals! You are a great writer and deserve all good things. Your strength, courage and faith in God helps so many…

    I will pray that God personally selects the best publisher for you… You write from the heart and experience…

    Also, have you heard anything recently about Andrew? I am following and I notice that Mel has not written in 4 days?
    If you have any news, please visit me at
    Jesus Knows You Best.blogspot.com
    or email me at kf122@optonline.net

    Thanks and please keep me updated about all your pending "Good News"!!!

    Warm regards,
    K. Frangeskos at
    Jesus Knows You Best

  7. Oh man p90x is killer. I used to have a couple roommates who would get up before class and do p90x. I used to get up too to go running and sometimes I'd get back and watch them workout and I'd laugh because they looked so ridiculous. Then they convinced me to do a week with them…and I about died. They may have looked ridiculous, but they were getting the workout of their life. Congrats to your husband for doing it.

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