1. Oh yes. I’m definitely doing it. Already have it. Already read the entire fitness and nutrition guide. I’m so excited. Except I’m not in very good shape right now. I planned on working out hard this week in preparation, but I caught a bad cold. 🙁 When I started X2, I had done 11 weeks of P90X in preparation for it. I hope I’m ready.

  1. I’m not going to do the p90x but I am setting exercise and healthy eating goals for the new year. I would love to be part of your group, however you decide to do it.

  2. I’ve actually been thinking about giving p90x a try to see if I like it. My number one New Year Resolution is to get more sleep… I think that would have a good affect on everything in my life.

    1. Great goal, Terri. I didn’t know you had a sleep deprivation issue. I agree that sleep affects everything. Let me know if you want to order P90X (or 2 or 3!) I can hook you up, girl.

  3. Oh Sandy! Only you can write a fitness goal setting New Years post that makes me smile and laugh out loud. I love you!
    My goal: keep doing what I’m doing and don’t give up!! I’ve been calorie counting for a few weeks with MyFitnessPal and I lost 4 lbs in 2 weeks, then gained 3 lbs in one week (what?!?!-I blame PMS) then took 3 days off for Christmas, that turned into 4 days when I got lazy with tracking yesterday then ate some cake…..
    So, step one, back to tracking today. Not going to give up even if my scale and PMS hate me.
    Step two, start working out more consistently (at least 3 times a week). I have a dear friend writing workouts for me, but with new colds kicking our butts every 5 minutes since school started I’ve been pretty sporadic. I think I’ll go do a cardio workout on my treadmill (kinda new….about 3-4 months) right now 🙂 Oh. Maybe I should eat breakfast first. Coffee + Treadmill will probably = cake for breakfast.
    By the way, Canadians are doing all the stuff you mentioned too. Although probably not so much pumpkin pie. More Nanaimo Bars. Which are a delicious Canadian thing. I’d post a link to a recipe, but that probably wouldn’t be appreciated by all your readers cleaning out their cupboards. Maybe some other time 🙂

    1. I am so proud of your progress, even if it has been derailed by PMS and Christmas. PMS does that to me, too. It totally stinks. Keep it up–and don’t quit! All those little things you do for your body are SO GOOD FOR YOU!!!! I’ll be your cheerleader and help you over the cake humps.

  4. I’m in for a lifestyle change, but am not able to commit to the p90 stuff. yet. 😉
    The dvd player isn’t plugged in, and while it’s only 30 minutes, I just don’t see me using it properly. yet.

    My fitness-related goals for the new year are to:
    drink lots of water
    have at least 1 smoothie a day more days than not
    run or walk 1 mile a day

    I like accountability! I’ll try to let you keep me honest! 🙂

    1. I know you’ve been toying around with thoughts of P90X for quite some time. I can’t wait until you try it. I wish you lived near me so I could let you borrow mine before you commit. I think you’d love it.

      Your fitness goals rock. I do the “lots of water” and “smoothie a day.” I <3 smoothies.

  5. One thing I did last year was I set some 30 day goals where I worked on doing something for 30 days. They could tie into fitness goals too. One month my goal was to drink 4 bottles of water a day. A lot of the things I worked on lasted more than the 30 days.

  6. I would love to be in on the accountability group – it’s okay by me to call it a support group, I need all the help I can get, ha!

    I’m going to not do the P90 part as I have a gym membership that just increased its rates, (boo!) and, in addition to shaking off some bad eating habits I’m trying to slim down the budget too. 🙂 Plus I have a treadmill and some outdoor running clothes that I want to use more.

    So, Happy New Year’s Eve, let’s all enjoy and get a great start to 2014 next week!

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