1. Hi Sandy,
    I know I am one of those who recommended Insanity. As you know I am 53 and it has been by far the toughest workout program I have ever done. Toughest workouts I have ever done Period. For me it really improved my core strength a great deal and that is what I liked most about it. I also like Pure Cardio the best and will do that as a stand alone workout at times. I did modify the schedule for my daughters to a 5 day schedule which I think offers the same benefits just takes a little longer. I do like the first 4 weeks the best and like the fact that in 40 minutes or so you can have an intense workout. Congratulations again at completing that.

    1. Mark,
      Your encouragement throughout the program was so helpful!

      I think maybe one of the reasons I didn’t have dramatic results in my core like you did was because I had just come off P90X2, and felt like my real core strength came from that. I am sure I got stronger in a lot of areas, but it was hard for me to measure it. I would have also liked to lose a few pounds or inches, which I didn’t. 🙁

      I think the 5-day schedule you designed for your daughters was a great idea.

  2. As I was lacing my running shoes for a treadmill run early this morning, I turned on the TV and there was the Insanity infomercial. I thought of you, so it was so funny that you posted this today! I briefly thought about it (not 500, not 300, ONLY 3 easy payments of 39.95 – act in the next 20 minutes and we will EXPRESS ship to you!!) then remembered you had posted something about it being over the top.

    if it’s not good enough for Sandy, it’s not good enough for Mindy (you know what I mean;)

    Thanks and have a great weekend!

    1. First of all Mindy, IF you were to buy Insanity, it wouldn’t be off the TV, it would be from MY website. Right? Right.

      Second, Mindy is WAY better than Sandy, because Mindy goes for early morning runs. Sandy does not.

  3. I would not recommend it. I bet every week doctors see people in the ER because of this workout. Fifteen to 20 years in the future those 20 somethings or anyone else will regret doing this program. I don’t think you need extreme workouts to get in shape.

    1. Sheila, I am certain people hurt themselves doing this. But I think you could avoid injury by listening closely to your body and making sure you properly warm up and cool down–as well as allowing for enough recovery time. I agree you don’t need extreme programs to be fit, but I think they work really well for a lot of people. Not me, though. 🙂

  4. Thanks for the review Sandy. I was contemplating Insanity for next year but will probably skip it. I’m not committing to any workout that interferes with and with level of impact with this program I couldn’t do both. That’s the reason I haven’t done it all along. I”ll stick with P90X and X2 withe a little Les Mills Pump thrown in for legs.

  5. I loved your review. So in depth. I’ve just had a friend who just completed Insanity and enjoyed it (?!) and saw some real changes. I’ve been using Supreme 90 which I love. Sounds like it has a lot more all over body strength. I would be mostly concerned about the effect it had on your running indurance – not sure I would want that effect. It could be something I’d try in the winter time when I run a lot less.

  6. Thanks for this great review. It’s great to get some real perspective on this workout. I will most definitely be adding this to my list of things to try!

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