1. Congrats on 5 years!!! I LOVE reading your blog and often times find myself going back to before I started following to catch up. Loved your posts on adoption! I work full time have two boys and a husband and trying to get my fitness/food on track to lose some weight that I have been carrying for far to long.

  2. I have so enjoyed reading all of your blog posts! You are a great writer & touch on topics that are applicable. Keep them coming!

  3. Sandy, I am so grateful for your blog because I got to meet YOU in person! Twice! And I know we will somehow meet again, friend. You are such a source of inspiration, encouragement, and just fun–I love coming over here and reading about your latest exploits. You are precious and I am so glad to have met you!

  4. Sandy,
    Happy Blog Anniversary. I am glad you decided to come back! I appreciate you sharing your life; your struggles, your triumphs, your highs and lows. I enjoy learning from you as well. Thank you.

  5. Oh, dear Sandy. This post is so timely for a number of reasons. Happy 5th! I always glean a valuable nugget of inspiration and a much needed laugh at just the right time! Thanks for that, as it was never more needed than right now. Love you, sister.

  6. Huh. We could be blog twins. Well, almost. I think I started my blog Jan/08. My blogger blog, that is. I was writing stuff on bebo for a year-ish prior to that. I also was really unsure about that whole Facebook idea back then. Now, can’t imagine my life without it! 🙂

    Luv ya!

  7. Happy Blog Birthday!
    You are an inspiration and a joy. Thank you for what you do. I am blessed to call you my ‘online friend from Kentucky I met in real life once’ 🙂
    PS: You are one of the reasons my Facebook fast for lent is so hard!

  8. I didn’t realize our anniversaries for blogging were so close. Mine is coming up, but I’ve only been at this three years and am not nearly as refined or eloquent.

    Congratulations to you for making it 5 years. I’m one of the readers that waited not so patiently for your return when you took your much needed and well deserved break.

  9. I heard you speak at a women’s retreat in Canada last spring and have been hooked ever since! I have been so encouraged and challenged by your words. And we are just at the beginning of the international adoption journey so I have especially enjoyed reading about your family’s trip on that wild roller coaster. Thanks!

  10. Met you in person JUST as you took a break from bogging – so really glad you’re back – and keeping balanced 🙂
    Thank you

  11. I’m not even sure how I found your blog, but I put it in my “favorites.” Thanks for your insight and honesty.

  12. Congrats & welcome back, I have missed you! (here & there, [NLC] too) I miss all of my former K/6 kids. <3

  13. Hi, I’m Amanda. I am a single mom with 2 boys. I think I came to your blog from “It’s Almost Naptime” There was a 30 days linkup, I think. Anyway, I like your blog (except the fitness parts because I don’t have time to worry about my body and it just makes me jealous that other people look good) I have really enjoyed the shift to “The Scoop on Balance”

  14. Thanks for such a real blog. I’m not sure how I found your blog, but I look forward to every post. You’ve got a loyal reader in Atlanta!

  15. Thanks for writing. I started out following your fitness blog and made the move(s) to the current site. I enjoy reading here.

  16. soooo, I just adore this post and pretty much everything about you. I’m gonna start stalking you now. I just thought I would let you know. You have a fantastic blog and I’m so happy that you stuck it out, revamped, and came back stronger and more confident from your hiatus. The world needs more people who encourage and inspire the way you do. 🙂 Thank you!

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